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  1. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    15 pages ITT testifies otherwise. Do you want me to nuke you ? :D
  2. V

    Is it ever too late?

    Moral of story - You've always got time up till the hsc.
  3. V

    fuck you.

    fuck you.
  4. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Thanks for pointing out my terrible example and not commenting on the vile filth that Parlabane has posted ITT.
  5. V

    Is it ever too late?

    Dude it is never too late, until after the trial. If you fuck up the trial and all assessments, and your rank is in the bottom 5, the 90+ is not possible. Even then, it depends on your school. If you're going to a top 10 high school, even if you're ranked close to last, you may get a 70+ hsc...
  6. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    I could alternately justify a few countries ganging up and bombing the fuck out of Israel. However, that would be immoral and grossly unjust for the Israeli population. But yea, if you're gonna refer to rebelling children as a "problem in the bud", you are truly insane.
  7. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    I genuinely hope you die a painful death. What a fucking horrible thing to say you dickhead.
  8. V

    The "I didn't go well in my half yearlies" Thread

    Yes, meth is commonly set up to be smoked in cones.
  9. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Though on a positive note, if they do do it, it could signal a massive jihadz. :jedi:
  10. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    I wouldnt. Regardless of the current Wahabbi government, most likely the Israelis, being the fuckers they are, would attack the heart of Islam, the Kaaba. But I would lol if the King died. :D
  11. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Truth, I guess. They do have a shitload of ICB missiles though, so an attack on Israel is not unfeasible.
  12. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Speaking hypothetically obviously. Muslim countries are too disjointed to actually have a central front in a war. Iran counts.:confused: Without Pakistan they dont have a nuclear power = pwned.
  13. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Therein lies the inherent issue. Nobody gives a fuck about the country as a whole, everyone is living on an individual level. So long as nothing affects them, they'll do nothing. The people do need a severe jolt to get them into action, sad as it is to say. And yes, if say it was : Israel vs...
  14. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    I believe there is a new hybrid.
  15. V

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    Do you live to wake thse threads every day? Fuck we know the Taliban has got a hold of Swat. Now shut the fuck up and go back to Jew.
  16. V

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    When you can't find evidence, there's always torture ! lol :)
  17. V

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    I approve of this logic.
  18. V

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    I'd support it for Gabi Ashkenazi as well.:)
  19. V

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    I agree with the homo :)