sounds like she's 1st year at macq. i do actuarial and app fin at macq and we are learning what she's talking about. i guess u already know that aswell pwnage because u do it too XD
yeah i'm doing actuarial and applied finance at macquarie. yeah the question was stupid i know how to do it now without using a graph so yeah:P Now all i have to worry about is the stat test haha. cya.
Re: Where do you see yourself in the future?
My motto is, no matter how hard you try there will always be someone better than you. So accept it rofl. This motto works for 99.9% of the population.
I tried to do exactly what you did but failed. Correct me if i'm wrong but with the last line, doesn't (k-1)^3 = k^3 - 3k^2 + 3k -1 so then wouldn't
k^3-3k^2-3k-1=(k-1)^3-6k and then the problem arises again :(
Prove 2^n > n^3 for n>9.
I can do this geometrically but i want to know how to do it the 'proper' way. Yes i have finished my hsc, but i haven't done this for ages so i have forget everything haha.
Principles of microecomics 2nd edition bernanke, olekalns, frank. I assume you are doing econ110, so get it in a pack with the macro book and save money. The pack is only a little bit more expensive.
Yeah thanks man. Email is "". Yeah i know it is different but i'm doing advanced maths lectures aswell and it would be nice if i could review some stuff before them, because alot of it is based on older concepts etc. Thanks for your help, if you have any questions about...
Hey namu, you don't know of any free summaries of the 2/3/4 unit course do you? See i'm starting my actuarial studies degree this year and i have honestly forgot most stuff in the 4month period of just playing video games and watch anime. lol.
I tend to think that the SC is more a measure of just general intelligence (that is without studying). The HSC is my opinion is more of a measure of how much
effort you put in (also coupled with general intelligence). Obviously if you naturally smarted you can put less effort in and vice versa.