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  1. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    FFS dude people in the government are just that, they pay tax as well. Its part of doing your bit to help others. May seem like a total rip off if your living the high life, but when sh!t hits the fan in your life, you're going to have to rely on the support of others yourself. And taxation...
  2. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Lol perhaps if money is all that you live for and is the only thing that gives you happiness in an otherwise miserable life.
  3. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Well I disagree with you but at least you stand by your principles I guess. Not everyone is as fortunate as yourself though, there are people who do need a helping hand.
  4. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Lets see you say that when you get hit by a bus and have to go to hospital. If you wanna save your own life or those of your friends and family, you can pay for it. The world doesn't work like that mate, its part of living in a society. Either contribute to the welfare of everyone or stop...
  5. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    So I assume you went to a private school your entire life, and are a full fee paying student at uni?
  6. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    It also promotes physical excercise and a healthy lifestyle, but we don't seem to need them anymore since now we're the most overweight country on the planet.
  7. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    If its voluntary, its not tax, its charity, and yes I do.
  8. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    If I had the money in my pocket and could spare it, I prob would have given it to you if you asked.
  9. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Lol as I said so many times, much of the money doesn't go near the Church itself, but is given back to the community, which includes everyone, be it people who are religious but don't go to Church or outright unbelievers. I lol'ed at the irony, so you're advocating like the funding of...
  10. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    +1 And its not like the Church is a secret elitest organisation that hordes its wealth, it give back to the community and to those in need who may probably be overlooked by the rest of society. It doesn't just benefit people who attend the Church recieving the funding, or the people who...
  11. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    This is a democracy. If we put it to a vote, you'd lose. Soceity on a whole disagrees with you. Stop complaining.
  12. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Lol my gosh you guys are so darn tight. Whatever happened to caring for others? People on this forum tell me I'm an insensitive prick because I oppose gay marriage and tell me to "love thy neighbour" as my religion dictates. What about some of you? Society can't work unless there is a...
  13. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Lol, 65% of Australians (2004 census) subscribed to a religious belief. On this basis alone the government has an obligation to spend tax dollars on the upkeep of religious insitutions and their facilities, as it does to maintain public parks and libraries. It just so happens that in addition to...
  14. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    I never said money should just be thrown at any group that declares itself "religious" at the expense of non-religious community organisations that perform similar roles. If both are beneficial to the community, both merit support. I just said that its undeniable that Churches play a...
  15. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Most Australians are religious. Australians vote in a disproportionate percentage of religious politicians than the corresponding percentage of religious people in the population (which is still like 65%). One could say its merely democracy at work. Just because Australia is secular, that...
  16. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    I wasn't arguing against one religion or another. I think they should all get funding, however obviously in a manner proportionate to their size and level of involvement in community affairs. For you to suggest that Churches etc shouldn't be tax free I think is silly because the money they...
  17. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Well, I wasn't trying to suggest that like it was only the Catholic Church or w/e who should get funding, obviously it should be handed out to all, but proportionatly. TBH I don't really agree with The Church of Scientology but this is a free country and people can do what they want, just as...
  18. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    They are not-for-profit community based organisations that spend a disproportionate time assiting those in need and helping the community. Whether you agree or not with religion is up to you, but you can't deny the positive contribution they make to society. They deserve to be free of...
  19. N

    Separation of Church and State...too much, too little, or just right?

    Get over the stigma that the Church is simply a backward institution that just wants to control every aspect of your life rofls. Churches and other religious groups are all important parts of the community and as such merit government funding, along the same lines of sports clubs and various...