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  1. katykins

    going down there...

    beer does this. my god. its THAT aweful.
  2. katykins

    Manipulative best friends

    um, that was me...brogan
  3. katykins

    Manipulative best friends

    essay it up again you gigantic crantard.
  4. katykins

    Manipulative best friends

  5. katykins

    girls, what would you like a boy to like about you?

    i dont want boys to like me. tsup katy :o
  6. katykins

    Manipulative best friends

  7. katykins

    Toe Cleavage.. yay or nay

    nope i stand by what i said. BRING ON THE TOW CLEAVAGE.
  8. katykins

    Guys with Creativity

    <3 and kathelle, cause shes fucking sexy
  9. katykins

    Guys with Creativity

    buuuuuuuuuump. hot thread, yo. lol at musicians; they can rape me and ill be like *swoon* and nerds.
  10. katykins

    Wii Sports

    i just played bownignon justind wii sooo fucking wawesome i rox
  11. katykins

    why do girls play hard to gett??

    lol thnx troll
  12. katykins

    Black bras under white (sheer) tops - opinions?

    i totally agree with diane
  13. katykins

    Black bras under white (sheer) tops - opinions?

    id wear the black under white just cause it looks good. like it compliments the top. i mean, like you know! it suits. but i DONT do the whole this-top-is-COMPLETELY-seethrough-so-im-going-to-wear-a-coloured-bra thing. not that cool dudes.
  14. katykins

    customised/personalised badges & shirts !

    theres a little printing shop on malabar rd in maroubra. i think.
  15. katykins

    got a fetish?

    bite me, vampire lady :)
  16. katykins

    why do girls play hard to gett??

    well.. yeah :worried:
  17. katykins

    why do girls play hard to gett??

    ill make kathelle commit to a relationship. babybaby.
  18. katykins

    the four bases

    a-t g-c werd.