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  1. NickyFM

    Why do so few try?

    I really like religion and i do find it odd that it scales up in a similar way to business considering business studies has a shitload more to remember and is much harder!
  2. NickyFM

    What are some funny teacher's comments you've recieved on an exam paper?

    I did really badly in a business exam and the teacher wrote on it "you don't deserve full marks in this question but i'll get it to you anyway" and i was like huh. Also on my music exam i had drawn a heart and the teacher circled it and wrote "Maybe you should spend less time drawing and more...
  3. NickyFM

    Flautists unite!

    I've been playing flute for 10 years and am doing it this year for Music 1 HSC :) I'm doing Jazz, flute music from the 20th century and a viva voce I loveee playing jazz flute and I'm gonna major in music next year at uni and elect to do jazz studies :)
  4. NickyFM

    2007 design~which text?

    Yesterday i officially finished all my renderings and preliminary sketches for the ham funeral because it was internally due in. I think that the ham funeral is the most interesting and engaging play out of the syllabus and i recommend it to all future yr 12s/2008 designers who want to change
  5. NickyFM

    Musicology Viva Voce

    i know it's probably a bit too late to be posting this seeing as everyone has probably already chosen their viva topics, but my music teacher advised me to be very specific in my viva question because it gives you the ability to go indepth and also gives the examiner a limited list of questions...
  6. NickyFM

    Weird intrumentalists Unite!

    I play the flute...come on people, its played on the side!
  7. NickyFM

    HSC performance pieces

    heyyyy band geeks! I play the flute and i'm playing Core: Hysterical penguins Elective 1: Viva Voce - Musical theatre (tone colour comparison between west side story overture and candide overture) Elective 2: Jazz - "Jazzy" - 7th movement from the claude bolling suite for flute and jazz piano...
  8. NickyFM

    The Ham Funeral - Patrick White. Need help!!

    Hi I'm doing costume design for the ham funeral and i was wondering if anyone else was doing it? I'm having trouble with identifying the plot of the story and because it isn't so well known the internet hasn't exactly helped me!