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  1. -may-cat-

    These F***ing planet unts

    Yeah, MQ doesn't have quite as much on offer when it comes to Greek history. 'AHIS303 Democracy and Empire: Athens 632-399' was probably the standout Greek course for me - it pretty much covers the content of many of the Greek HSC choices: - Periklean Athens (society) - Perikles (Personality)...
  2. -may-cat-

    These F***ing planet unts

    I've done both Greek Drama and Alexander the Great. tbh i'm not sure if Greek Drama will run again... David Phillips (the convenor/lecturer/tutor of many greek units at MQ) retired last year and i don't know if they have anyone to take his courses. If you like greek drama you'll enjoy it, you...
  3. -may-cat-

    Bachelor IT major Information Systems

    Hehe, 'Miss Cat' would be more appropriate i think There's nothing wrong with taking 3 units per semester, you are still considered a full time student with 9cp (3 units) per semester. In fact, it's what i have done throughout the majority of my degree because i found that 4 units stressed me...
  4. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    Correct. Make sure you pay very careful attention to the pre-requisites of those 300 lvl AHIS units. Don't worry about having to re-work the whole thing before tomorrow, just make sure that you bring all of this up with your academic adviser. Maybe make a list of all the important...
  5. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    haha, it's all good. You need to do a total of 4 units from the requirements of the Ancient History major. Two of these must be 300 lvl or above. See here: www.handbook.mq.edu.au/2013/Majors/UGMajor/Ancient+History+-+Egypt+and+Near+East So you must take: - 2 units from the 100 or 200...
  6. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    It means that to complete a minor you must complete 12 cp (4 units) from within a Major, 6 of which (3units) must be 300 level or above and must not be counted towards any other Major or Minor
  7. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    It is in English. You'll have to figure out how to interpret this sort of crap eventually, what do you think it says?
  8. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    Almost correct. A candidate may complete a minor, or minors, with each minor comprising a minimum of 12 distinct credit points (4 units) stipulated for a particular major in Part 2 of the Schedule of Majors, including 6 distinct credit points (2 units) from that major at 300 level or above...
  9. -may-cat-

    Sociology of Everyday Life - SOC180 OR Economy and Society - SOC182

    One of the very few perks of being temporarily (oh dear god, please temporarily) unemployed i suppose. Do what looks most interesting to you. It doesn't really matter tbh. You can complete your requirements in which ever way you want, so long as you account for pre-requisites. I've heard...
  10. -may-cat-

    Bachelor IT major Information Systems

    Hi Tom, You may need to rethink your People Planet options, the whole point of them is that they are not related to your main area of study. One of your PP units must be outside your department (computing) The other must be outside your faculty (Science) Unfortunately ISYS100 - IT and...
  11. -may-cat-

    Urgent! BA Dip Ed !

    The reason why they say that is because they represent the university and they aren't technically allowed to give you academic advice. If they make a mistake it could mean that you might have to postpone your graduation later down the track or something. To be honest, even i'm slightly...
  12. -may-cat-

    Urgent! BA Dip Ed !

    Oh, lol, now i get it. Sorry for misleading you, you don't have to take POL units. The requirements for the Major of Modern History are follows: Requirements for the Major: Completion of a minimum of 24 credit points including the following prescribed units: Credit points 100 level Requires...
  13. -may-cat-

    Urgent! BA Dip Ed !

    Edit: problem resolved below
  14. -may-cat-

    Urgent! BA Dip Ed !

    Edit: problem resolved below
  15. -may-cat-

    Life after suspension

    Maintaining 80+ marks consistently for the next four years will be very difficult unless you dramatically change your application to your studies. I really think you need to sit down with an academic adviser and have a look at your options.
  16. -may-cat-

    Life after suspension

    What degree is this for? I'm sure you don't need anyone to tell you that this is pretty serious, I don't know if your gpa could ever recover from something like this...
  17. -may-cat-

    Life after suspension

    You must have failed quite a few units to be put on academic suspension... How many exactly?
  18. -may-cat-

    People and Planet Units

    Ok, i should have prefaced this with the following earlier, but i'll do it now. I'm not an academic advisor and i cannot give 100% reliable academic advice. If i make a mistake it's on your head, so i would definitely check this at your on-campus enrollment or with an academic advisor if you...
  19. -may-cat-

    People and Planet Units

    Here are the relevant criteria for PP units: To satisfy the requirements of Rule 4(5) of the Bachelor Degree Rules, a Program of Study for a single Award must include: (i) one unit taken from Part 2 of this Schedule and one unit taken from Part 3 of this Schedule, and (ii) one...
  20. -may-cat-

    Timetabling ...

    Nope, haven't done any sorry.