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  1. D

    Is it worth dropping these subjects?

    If your marks are affected by laziness and a lack of motivation I don't think that's an excuse for dropping the subject. That's just you can't be fucked, so toughen up and deal with it. If you actually don't get it, and you picked subjects you don't understand, then I can't say you'd be...
  2. D

    4 unit Topic ratings

    .... If you can't even do that why are you doing 4U. Seriously even a 2U kid can do that.
  3. D

    how many past papers

    3rd in the State I think mate.
  4. D

    Awesome uni vs. the closer uni

    Uh the fact that I've worked for an IB and talked to people both back and front of house. They told me this. Also in some Engineering streams eg Chevron tommy. M8 those aren't IB jobs, they're crappy 40k/year pencil pusher jobs generally.
  5. D

    Is it worth dropping these subjects?

    You better believe the Standard lecture. It's true, it's damn true. Don't pull wool over your eyes, just don't do standard. Worst decision you could make. Any chance of a Band 6 is literally gone. First in the State in Std English gets 93. If you're not top 60 in the state in standard, you...
  6. D

    Awesome uni vs. the closer uni

    Depends what degree. Most degrees that lead into grad programs have this as a fact. Often for Investment Banking etc if your Resume has anything other than UNSW/USyd etc it gets chucked straight in the bin. At least you could get in the interview with the other 2, even if you fail socially.
  7. D

    half yearly reports?

    LMFAO who sets exams that don't count and expects kids to do them.
  8. D

    Awesome uni vs. the closer uni

    Job offers m8. Getting into a grad program from a lot of degrees is pretty hard from UWS/UTS etc.
  9. D

    No Money in Law !?

    The economy is pretty good. And since when did engineers affect the economy? Beyond the mining engineers that get all the new places of virgin beautiful land then blast it for beautiful virgin money for all Aussies thanks to the RSPT. Engineers don't fuck up, it's the higher ups (who are often...
  10. D

    UNSW Med. Physiology

    Uh what the fuck? MBBS is effectively one degree. Just one really long degree. Newcastle's BMed is identical to every other University's MBBS. Those courses are BMedPhys, which isn't Bachelor of Medicine, it's Bachelor of Medical Physiology. Not even close to related. Next you'll be telling...
  11. D

    Transferring to UNSW aeronautical engineering

    I dunno, i was just reading through the UNSW First Year maths courses description and in MATH1131/41 Maple seemed to be mentioned a lot whereas in MATH1151 it specifically stated use of Matlab over Maple (which the other maths courses use).
  12. D

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    Yep I just know white guys that rape at 4U Maths.
  13. D

    4 unit Topic ratings

    Volumes of fucked up cross sections tops the rest so far.
  14. D

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    Pretty sure meilz92's High School wasn't exactly a top 100 school (correct me if I'm wrong). That kinda implies if she was doing crappy in a low ranked school and still got good marks that 3U maths is a gold subject.
  15. D

    My Backup Plan!!!

    No you can't. And 100% in General Maths still scales down so badly. If you weren't made for maths why the fuck did you drop to 10 units, 2 of those being General Maths. How do you even screw up in General maths?
  16. D


    This. Keep an open mind. And do 4U, scaling is so disgusting it makes up for everything else. Also it helps a lot for Engineering, since you'll be doing Uni Maths anyway (which 4U would help with).
  17. D

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    I don't get how dropping 3U Maths makes you better at 2U. You gotta understand 2U first before you can do 3U, they're completely intertwined subjects if you do both.
  18. D

    Do You Wear Glasses?

    Holy fck I want that hard lens shit. I've always looked like a geeky nerd with my glasses (took some getting used to), but I've had them since Year 4 as well. I desperately want to get them off my face (they define me too much, all you see is some nerdy dickhead with glasses,) I look 10x better...
  19. D

    ATAR estimate

    Shitty rank in English will be your downfall.
  20. D

    CSSA Trial Papers

    Yeah I know that. My thing is, how come the topic has not been covered yet if it's trial time?