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Search results

  1. asadass

    In a dilemma - please help

    If it doesn't put too much strain on your finances, I would chose the private school. (This is coming from a person who went to a public school ranked 200+)
  2. asadass

    How much do investment bankers earn??

    Yeh i think there is a substantial drop in hours between associate and VP, but I imagine there is still a lot of unpredictability in terms of when you could be called into the office.
  3. asadass

    What to say when people ask what your atar was?

    "enough to get into [uni course]"
  4. asadass

    Info Days!

    I love how at usyd/unsw law info talks they spend half the time discussing how to get into the degree if you don't get the required atar
  5. asadass

    Who's excited to start uni?

    Will be interesting to see how hard a distinction average is to obtain
  6. asadass

    Best laptop for uni - any price

    this was all i could come up with
  7. asadass

    Best laptop for uni - any price

    too heavy/expensive for what the op needs
  8. asadass

    Best laptop for uni - any price

    You're just jealous :P Just bought it in Hong Kong for about $600 cheaper than you'd find it here :)
  9. asadass

    Best laptop for uni - any price

    Samsung ultrabook.
  10. asadass

    How to study for a 90 ATAR in the 2014 HSC?

    As previously said, focus on understanding all of your maths content.
  11. asadass

    Post your favourite TV show title sequences/themes.

    In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.
  12. asadass

    Info Days!

  13. asadass

    Impact of Globalisation on China

    have you researched those areas yet?
  14. asadass

    Would the info days be a good idea for a 2013 graduate?

    It gives you a nice goal to work towards
  15. asadass

    Timetabling and class times

    What's the site where we can check available classes?
  16. asadass

    Favourite airline?

    Nah they have a bachelor of aviation (flying) http://www.aviation.unsw.edu.au/future/futureugrad.html#Bachelor%20Aviation%20-%20Flying%20Stream