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  1. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

    Nuclear Dawn
  2. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

    Red faction
  3. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

    Empire: Total War
  4. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

  5. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

    Dawn Of War
  6. jazzzod

    Game Name Game

    Yumsters 2: Around The World
  7. jazzzod

    Auburn is a multicultural shit pool

    巨大的白色吸我的阴茎,你们这些愚蠢的婊子 巨大的白色吸我的阴茎,你们这些愚蠢的婊子 巨大的白色吸我的阴茎,你们这些愚蠢的婊子 巨大的白色吸我的阴茎,你们这些愚蠢的婊子 巨大的白色吸我的阴茎,你们这些愚蠢的婊子
  8. jazzzod

    My teacher is a haughty, imcompotent, unrealiable egotist. What can my class do?

    Complain to principal as a class and make the petition. Got my rubbish Ancient teacher fired last term - funniest thing ever. Best of all, we know his login credentials - unblocked to all sites. Fuck yeah.
  9. jazzzod

    who shaves...

    You shave your face off? This is bad btw Wtf.
  10. jazzzod

    Hi Cecily babe Haven't been on BoS in a while. Just got those messages :3 What's happening?

    Hi Cecily babe Haven't been on BoS in a while. Just got those messages :3 What's happening?
  11. jazzzod

    Hi Cecily babe Haven't been on BoS in a while. Just got those messages :3 What's happening?

    Hi Cecily babe Haven't been on BoS in a while. Just got those messages :3 What's happening?
  12. jazzzod

    How to tell/show/hint to a guy you like him.

    This. Although it doesn't have to be in a park. Just somewhere secluded.
  13. jazzzod

    things you loved as a kid...

    Hello Kitty Island Adventures I'm Asian not rly lololol
  14. jazzzod

    what was your very first computer?

    Same as this. Pretty awesome stuff :) I later upgraded to an iMac (colorful ones), a low end del laptop, and some box. today, i have an i7 8gig 2tb 2x 4870 pewpew
  15. jazzzod

    Here's an interesting question.

    Why not? Writing essays is sooo much easier. Everything's good in moderation. Although it's not something i would promote to my teachers.. lol.
  16. jazzzod

    Girl forced to change school beacouse of hair color!

    Makes sense IMO. Hair of this colour has no place in society. Or atleast the side of it schools attempt to promote.
  17. jazzzod

    Aboriginal Communities

    Interesting demographics School Profile | ACARA
  18. jazzzod

    Discussion on religion.

    In the US state of Nebraska, State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a suit against God seeking an injunction, in an effort to highlight the issue of public access to the court system. The suit was dismissed due to the fact that God could not be properly notified, having no address.
  19. jazzzod

    study notes

    Anna knows all. Repeating questions is the way to go
  20. jazzzod

    who shaves...

    Nawt really xD I have Robert Pattinson hair btw.