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  1. F

    If you could carry a concealed weapon would you?

    2 b fair it was written in because the context was different to now-a-days...much like the white australia policy...and all the other historical legislation which defs was good to have!!!!
  2. F

    If you could carry a concealed weapon would you?

    a nation where i can't buy a MAC10 with a silencer and mow some lads down in a lil drive by is a nation i don't wanna live in
  3. F


    no why would we you're a student and gl keeping up a part time job during clinical rotations...
  4. F

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    post graduate years, so after your med degree you can: 1) get good refs from consultants by actually being good at med? Trust me, you'll all spectrum of med students, some bad, some great, some average. 2) research/publishing (clinical research for example). Usually done through the hospital...
  5. F

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    I'm not saying there isn't discrimination, there always is. older consultants (esp) will always discriminate on age, race, gender, school etc. You can't really change that. But the advice that you should not accept UWS if it's your only choice is not sound. You're better off finishing med in 5...
  6. F

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    can't transfer between med school easily
  7. F

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    the day you get into a college is the day you move to america and apply to Maricopa Community College your "credentials" is everything you do AFTER grad. To say that ANY post grad medical college would EVEN look at your university is just ridiculous. As for my references, how about you look...
  8. F

    UWS Medicine Degree DILEMMA!

    dr fresh is a bullshit artist of the tenth degree lets sort some shit out 1) no one cares which med school you go to 1.1) it's not like going to one uni will open up a hidden tome of knowledge for you and make you a better doc, it's simply what you put in 2) your internship in NSW will...
  9. F

    I 'Dislike' English to the Point Where I Don't Try

    welcome to the real world where u have to do stuff even if you hate it with a passion grow up sunshine
  10. F

    Senior Subjects and BMBS

    holy shit ur subjects could not matter more do whatever you'll get the highest mark in and there, bingo those are the subjects u do
  11. F

    pokemon X and Y

    Re: The Thread that never Ends http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6042492/pokemon-gotta-buy-em-all
  12. F

    How much do investment bankers earn??

    i think the q u should be asking is who the fuck u trying to impress with a 30k watch rofl it's like...too poor to afford something actually worth wearing but too prideful to admit it
  13. F

    u ruined america

    u ruined america
  14. F

    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    i fink ull find that cars r onli for hitting chickens and children and gun can do lots of shit LIKE FREE THE RIGHTEOUS and open bottles i new it was a b3d idea 2 let women 2 vote ruin our glorious nation god bress amerika