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  1. S

    2013 Macq Offers

    B eBusiness :D
  2. S

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    Sorry for being the one out of the loop here, but what is rote learning?
  3. S

    Help with reading results!

    HSC mark is the combined average of your examination assessment mark.
  4. S

    This time in 2 days all who signed up for SMS will know their hsc results!! Feelings?

    Re: This time in 2 days all who signed up for SMS will know their hsc results!! Feeli My brothaaa, feeling the same, fingers crossed! I just want the waiting to be over:read:
  5. S

    Last Exam Yes!!!! STUDIES OF RELIGION!!!! WOOT WOOT! Chat if you have this last! :)

    Re: Last Exam Yes!!!! STUDIES OF RELIGION!!!! WOOT WOOT! Chat if you have this last! religions my last, this time tomorrow imma be so happy!! :D
  6. S

    Does anyone feel like they're getting lazier towards the end of their hsc?

    Cmon guys, final exam tomorrow, lets DOOOOO THHISSSS :D
  7. S

    Business Studies!

    Im know reports are written from the syllabus, but are the essays too?>
  8. S

    Business Studies!

    I believe the students learn to points are what we actually need, thats everything we learn anyhows.
  9. S

    practice papers for business?

    since the syllabus changed, anyone got a source of past papers for me? ;)
  10. S

    Chocolates or gift cards

    For the teachers I'd give stuff to, I reckon a case of beer would be their ideal gift haha, except the school would rape me on sight for carrying that.
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    Listening to notes in bed help?

    ezpdf reader, its a paid app. android fone.
  12. S

    Listening to notes in bed help?

    I have a app on my fone which reads PDF's out loud to me, and I got my business notes in pdf form. I know listening to your notes is useful, but I hear people say that when you listen to them as you go to sleep, you hear them in your sleep or something like that? Does it help? kthx guys:cool2:
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    Throwing an all nighter

    I stopped at midnight, if i was fucked i know id of done miserably from lack of sleep. Plus I had 2 exams.
  15. S

    timber products and furniture industry

    The internal panels one - i said cuz needs movement. Nothing else is possible. Marketry or whatever is right.
  16. S

    didn't tick the box :/

    you'll be fine mate, they put em together.
  17. S

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    I almost shat myself at the 2nd essay, I thought I was doing wrong question, then realised I wasnt :P Paper was fine, got more out for my essays then usual which is always nice :)
  18. S

    Opinion on this thesis?

    New thesis new question, input fellas? Question: Explain how Educating Rita and ONE other related text of your own choosing portray the consequences of moving into the world. Thesis: During ones lifetime, they may decide that they are no longer satisfied with their current lifestyle, and...
  19. S

    Opinion on this thesis?

    THankyou, you made me realise I WAS making them too long. +1 to you guv :)