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  1. red-butterfly

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    Idealistically it would be a great idea to make uni for free but it's just not practical
  2. red-butterfly

    Extension 2 Math.

    Keep 4u !!! there are so many benefits of doing 4u unless you're getting extremely shitty marks. KEEP 4U Same here I did heaps better in 4u than 3u :)
  3. red-butterfly

    Losing weight for the new year - 2011

    I wanna lose 5kgs... Aim: 55kgs :) I'm short only 157cm
  4. red-butterfly

    advice needed plsss!!!

    Tell them it's your life you do what you want with it! and chuck a spaz :):) that sounds like fun :) Tell them they can't take control of your life because it's your life not their's. BTW I'd love it if my parents would pick me up and drop me off at uni... Mum's like "NO WAY AM I DRIVING YOU...
  5. red-butterfly

    UWS Early Offer Email

    It's great that UWS is giving others a chance to get themselves an education and get qualified. But I guess I'd have to agree with this
  6. red-butterfly

    International studies

    OOOOHHHHH... why would you want to do that?! 1. You will be wasting your money... I doubt that they will let graduate in the same degree twice.... But i'm sure you can go back and do another combined degree in international studies in a similar field and get a couple of subjects exempted but...
  7. red-butterfly

    Should I get a netbook?!

    I guess if you're only using it for notes and nothing too challenging then it's worth investing. eg looking at notes during lectures instead of wasting your money on paper that you're going to lose anyway. Problem is my eyes have gotten worse since getting this netbook. Sure it's great because...
  8. red-butterfly

    The different types of Civil engineering...

    Well it's whatever takes your interest hence why there are many different specialities in Civil. You can change your specialty or choose your specialty later if you want there's no rush or anything like that. But to be honest there's really not much of a difference (except if you're doing...
  9. red-butterfly

    What uni courses lead to a career as a pilot?

    need to be in tip top shape!!
  10. red-butterfly

    High atar without tutor?

    I got a decent high atar (93.7) without any tutoring at all. You just need to be extremely motivated and have a very well planned study plan
  11. red-butterfly

    Advanced vs. Standard (2)

  12. red-butterfly

    is it too late to change my favourite course into No1 preference course?

    If the uni has contacted you via email or call you and what not they'll let you know if you have had an early offer. They'll give you a set of instructions so you get a placement there. But if it's not then you are actually rejecting their early round offer. Main Round is January 19 I think so...
  13. red-butterfly

    Seiously..what's the deal with guys?

    we can't help that some guys are complete assholes and other guys are decent and what not. Just have to deal with it and move on...
  14. red-butterfly

    is it too late to change my favourite course into No1 preference course?

    Reject the unsw offer and wait for the anu offer at main round
  15. red-butterfly

    Subject Clash

    You're going to have to deal with it or talk to student centre to see if they can try to change it. But it's pretty frigid :S If you're going to be missing out on the Statistics lectures, those are fine to miss :) You could probably just look through the lecture notes and what not. But if...
  16. red-butterfly

    Media Production at UTS or UNSW?

    Have to agree. It's quite specialized in media production. The facilities are state of the art. (Plus they've been renovating so everything is as good as new)
  17. red-butterfly

    is it too late to change my favourite course into No1 preference course?

    If you already got the offer, you can reject it and get into ANU no problem :) Just put ANU 1st and you'll get main round easy. My friend did a similar thing. He originally wanted to get into Comm/Law at UNSW accepted the offer but then wanted to study Actuarial studies/Law at MQ he changed it...
  18. red-butterfly

    DIFFICULT integration question :S

    Yeah bos is heaps delayed atm... So freaking annoying and having all those dead threads around is making going around this site annoying as hell!