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  1. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I probably wouldn't worry about shortening them, probably just focus on understanding and studying your notes. I ended up with 39 handwritten pages (aka. 19.5 double sided pages), but everyone creates notes differently so as long as you can study through them at a reasonable pace, you should be...
  2. notthedevil

    English Advanced and Band 6 Marks

    Hi, so my teacher told us today that we need to be scoring 19-20/20 on every internal assessment and getting similar raw marks in the external exams to just scrape a Band 6. Is this true? Band 6 is 90+ and raw external marks are weighted and aligned, so they end up being higher than raw marks...
  3. notthedevil

    Creative writing: prepare one or wing it

    Hey guys, I just got my creative writing assessment back for English, and I got 17/20. It was the best creative I've ever written, so I wanna be happy with my efforts. However, I prepared for this about 4 weeks in advance just trying to get my story right, and I only improved by one mark (I...
  4. notthedevil

    Geography Crisis

    Hey! For our class, we have this textbook called 'Topographic Mapping for Secondary Students' and it contains a bunch of different maps with skills based questions, so if you guys have that, I really recommend using it. Also if your school library has the excel textbook for Geography, i...
  5. notthedevil

    Creative writing help

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on the first paragraph of my creative: Pencils Summer. My body sweats as I push through the door to my room after my walk home from work. The barren landscape of my bedroom stifles as the white walls begin to envelop me. I slump...
  6. notthedevil

    Analysing texts with explicit language.

    Hi, I was thinking of doing a critical response on "Ja'mie: Private School Girl", but I'm not sure if it's appropriate to do, as the show is v explicit. Would I get penalised/marked down for analysing a text with frequent use of expletives? I have other ideas for critical responses in mind, but...
  7. notthedevil

    Should I take the LAT even if I'm unsure if I want to pursue law?

    I'm looking at combined Law/City Planning at UNSW as an option for uni. I'm not particularly sure if I want to study and pursue a career in law, or study something like a bachelor of city planning, or science, and pursue a career in urban planning, geography, etc.