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  1. Ealdoon

    42 hours

    That was helpful :) Thanks! Even though it doesn't apply to me yet :p
  2. Ealdoon

    42 hours

    I love that positivity, Rivalry :)
  3. Ealdoon

    42 hours

    I don't even know why I'm here, I shouldn't even be thinking about this yet haha
  4. Ealdoon

    42 hours

    If there is anything you want to know about coffee, ask Caffeine :D
  5. Ealdoon

    Haha, you should ;)

    Haha, you should ;)
  6. Ealdoon

    No one can replace me either :D This fight is going to be interesting haha! Haha, and what will...

    No one can replace me either :D This fight is going to be interesting haha! Haha, and what will your fees be? But yes, we should all learn from Caffeine. I mean, did you see him on Thursday? Woah. By the way, Spiral thinks you're hot ;)
  7. Ealdoon

    Hi Fawun :D And Caffeine you better stay and help us with English haha :)

    Hi Fawun :D And Caffeine you better stay and help us with English haha :)
  8. Ealdoon

    Haha, I shall start searching for a CaffeineMotor replacement then :D

    Haha, I shall start searching for a CaffeineMotor replacement then :D
  9. Ealdoon

    Study tips :3

    Thanks for the tips :)
  10. Ealdoon

    Math help

    Just remember Fawun, you'll always be better at maths than me :D
  11. Ealdoon

    Caffeine, Kaze is having a meat this Sunday to watch "Taken 2". Just so you know :) Not too sure...

    Caffeine, Kaze is having a meat this Sunday to watch "Taken 2". Just so you know :) Not too sure if I'm going though. Only about 2 people are confirmed going at the moment :p I might go if a few more people go but I highly doubt that I'm going :p And look at page 1031 of the p00n thread. Spiral...
  12. Ealdoon

    A good pen to use in exams?

    I think they just want black or blue pen :)
  13. Ealdoon

    What is St Paul's Grammar like?

    Well, it is Wikipedia :p
  14. Ealdoon

    Study Hsc now?

    This :)
  15. Ealdoon

    Then open the document :p You seemed very determined to study yesterday. Yes, I looked over at...

    Then open the document :p You seemed very determined to study yesterday. Yes, I looked over at you every few seconds while I was talking to Fawun haha! You seemed tired though, but again so were we, weren't we Fawun? :D As I said, you are extremely popular :D ...Or maybe it is because I visit...
  16. Ealdoon

    Next meat, I'll try coffee again. Hopefully real coffee instead of the instant stuff I tried...

    Next meat, I'll try coffee again. Hopefully real coffee instead of the instant stuff I tried last time :p I'm going to do some work later as well but for now, I'm watching Caffeine ;) Hehehe.
  17. Ealdoon

    I just noticed, your profile almost has more views than my profile :p You are so popular :) Oh...

    I just noticed, your profile almost has more views than my profile :p You are so popular :) Oh I forgot: STUDY!
  18. Ealdoon

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Haha, that's true. What are you writing about? :)
  19. Ealdoon

    Hi twinkle! Just wanted to thank you for helping me out with my commerce work yesterday :) It's...

    Hi twinkle! Just wanted to thank you for helping me out with my commerce work yesterday :) It's always great to see you! :)