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Search results

  1. yeah_boy

    Religious Tradition Depth Studies

    Christianity - Martin Luther - Sexual ethics - Baptism Islam - Rabi'a Al-Adawiyya - Bioethics - Hajj Buddhism - King Ashoka - Bioethics - Not sure yet? hard enough remembering WHAT I'm doing..
  2. yeah_boy

    Where do you reckon is the best suburb to live in Sydney?

    rouse hill is full of dirty fat bogans.
  3. yeah_boy

    overdone pip ideas

    I'm doing advertising over time and it's contribution to sexualised trends amongst adolescents today vs in the past and how advertising creates a subliminal "acceptance" and trivilisation of violence, and how this contributes to domestic violence attitudes/statistics. Is that really bad/over done?
  4. yeah_boy

    School Rankings

    The careers advisor said only 5 each year get out 90, in a cohort of 300
  5. yeah_boy

    ATAR estimate pllllease!

    Really? that's actually achievable for me?
  6. yeah_boy

    ATAR estimate

    I would say 90+ lol
  7. yeah_boy

    ATAR estimate pllllease!

    Most people posting their ATAR estimates go to a higher ranked school than me... My school is ranked 400th Sooo my ranks: English advanced - 2/35 Modern History - 5/45 Legal Studies - 1/30 Studies of Religion II - 1/21 Society and Culture - 3/28 My marks for exams are usually around 85-90...
  8. yeah_boy

    Rudd will lose this election

    Yeah I really don't think having Abbott as the leader is a very good idea.. Sometimes Liberals seem promising to me.. like I *would* vote for them.. but then Tony Abbott just pushes away all that promise lol
  9. yeah_boy

    Rank in your school (total)?

    Schools give out atar estimates?
  10. yeah_boy

    Rank in your school (total)?

    Hey is there like some process where your school calculates and gives you a rank out of your whole school, like altogether, not just in subjects?
  11. yeah_boy

    Wyndham College Collegiate for Seven Hills High, Quakers and Riverstone

    2 of my teachers took long service leave... and now I am learning nothing
  12. yeah_boy

    School Rankings

    :( naw. that sucks :( What if i'm not FIRST but like top 5 at least in everything in at 400 ranked school?
  13. yeah_boy

    Girls why dont you want to be housewives

    I wouldn't be satisfied with 80k.
  14. yeah_boy

    School Rankings

    What if youre not ranked number 1 internally?
  15. yeah_boy

    Girls why dont you want to be housewives

    if he was so rich I'd hire a nanny and be a lazy housewife for sure.
  16. yeah_boy

    student teacher relationships

    When my sister was in year 12 one of her teachers would have like days where students would come over (in groups or alone) and get help with school major work stuff... She was a female, now imagine if it was a male teacher doing this..
  17. yeah_boy

    Schoolies "pass"/wristbands

    i thought the schoolies.com bookings came with the whole "schoolies" package which included wristbands?