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  1. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    it was made. so anything lower than the 0.25 m i guess not including 1400;
  2. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    whoa whoa what?? i had the same as you for the 1400 < hz < than or equal to 5000..
  3. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    mann also stuffed up the MC for fungi/bacteria DAMNNN. ugh i just knew there was a catch ... bacteria wouldnt have been the answer since its smaller than red blood cells fml
  4. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    i talked about IOL implantation for the 7 MARKER :((( i mean i figured since accomodation is the proccess of lens changing shape depending on distancec of objects... hardening of lens would lessen ability to bulge and become a convex shape.. i know its meant to be hyperopia and myopia but i...
  5. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    omg haha do you think it'll be okay if i just wrote missing deoxyribose sugar and phosphate as alternate backbones of the strand? uh i kinda treated those two as different structures :/
  6. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    i think it's a bacteria? pretty sure bacteria has a cell wall and it has a membrane. just no membrane bound organelles
  7. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    i dont think its transcription... theres no uracil. which is the whole purpose of transcription. mRNA only has A U G C
  8. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    i think its meant to be greater than 1400 since at 1400 Hz you would have the wavelength = length of head which wouldn't create a sound shadow
  9. L

    Biology exam thoughts

    SAMEEEEEEE i was getting confused as eff though wb the next question!! the epidermal hairss; got confused with that too LOL
  10. L

    General Thoughts: Economics

    hey guys!! I did question 28 which was the analyse how macro policy achieves external stability and i was pretty confused how to approach it. Contrary to question 25 microeconomic reform. Have i approached it wrong by outlining the causes of external instability (so the net foreign debt...
  11. L

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    hey guys. just wondering if i wasn't able to get my conclusion down for module C T-T what mark would i be looking at maximum? i got 19/20 for my school trial mark! but I'm sure the conclusion will cost me... so devoooo. :( either from a hsc marker's pov or your teacher's kinda told you before...
  12. L

    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    so not having a conclusion immediately slots you into the band 5 range? damn thats harsh. i would've thought they would at least consider how much i've written before the conclusion. i got like probs about 900 words out in the 30 minutes i had remaining. hands were cramping so bad though
  13. L

    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    hey guys! i'm feeling a bit down because i didn't get to finish my conclusion for Mod C. Wrote about 1300 ish words for Mod A Metropolis... Mod b Hamlet THANK GOD wasn't some specific character or soliloquy lmao like maybe 1200 ish since i was moulding it in... left with 30 minutes and i didn't...