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Search results

  1. kat-

    What is the most effective cursive style?

    One of my friends sticky tapes batteries around his pencil/pens so his wrist gets stronger therefore he writes faster :lol: you could try that?
  2. kat-

    Pen spinning?

    you can do ittt, I believe in you :D
  3. kat-


  4. kat-

    good decision (Y) CL from 2ne1? she's preeeetty

    good decision (Y) CL from 2ne1? she's preeeetty
  5. kat-

    cute new avatar :p

    cute new avatar :p
  6. kat-

    Movies that Make you Cry :'(

    Dark Knight Rises, partly because the series was over :(
  7. kat-

    MasterChef Thread

    ~andddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yayayayayayayyyyyy~
  8. kat-

    Electronic Dance Music

  9. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Nah heaps of people aren't :) technically I can't choose it until I get accepted for it later this year and that's not even for certain.
  10. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    We should make that 2014 group.. someday :p
  11. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Congrats!! Found out that I have to wait till the end of this year for the principal to read our 'appeal letters' for extensions. They're gonna base it on our next report so yay on the bright side i got time to improve :D
  12. kat-

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    yeah someone in my grade might host it but i think they're gonna pussy out of it :( if so then we might book a hotel or something just for a small group of us? but idk, is that too pricey?
  13. kat-

    What are you currently Reading?

    Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson both awesome books so far then gonna read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series yay
  14. kat-

    Indie/Folk Music

    wow nice song bui
  15. kat-

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    Is anybody having or had a formal after party? our grade wants to plan one but we dunno what to do
  16. kat-

    favourite luxury brand?

    Chanel scarf that I got on the streets of Hong Kong
  17. kat-

    Indie/Folk Music

    no problem ;)
  18. kat-

    What do you hate, that most people love?

    the ocean I love the beach and shallow water but once it gets past my chest I start freaking out
  19. kat-

    Years 9 & 10 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    for 2 unit too!? Goodluck for tomorrow :D
  20. kat-

    Indie/Folk Music

    Yeah i love Agnes Obel, she's amazing!