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  1. jamesfirst

    Serious question

    I didnt know what to do with the values so I just talked in general about blue having a lower frequency than the red one. lol
  2. jamesfirst

    how much did you write?

    3 damn pages. I literally put everything down.
  3. jamesfirst

    calculation for the number of photons?!

    YES got it right.
  4. jamesfirst

    So........ does band 6 cut off depending on........

    I'm fifth in chem. So if someone got the 5th highest mark in external, I get that mark. WHAT A WIN! YES Except I'm 35 /64 for eng. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
  5. jamesfirst

    So........ does band 6 cut off depending on........

    LOL same. Just as long as my atar is good
  6. jamesfirst

    So........ does band 6 cut off depending on........

    Sooooo....... say I failed. Does that mean I drag the whole class down. Because I AM first in physics :( PRESSUREEEEEEEEE
  7. jamesfirst

    So........ does band 6 cut off depending on........

    omg.... I don't get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I'll just let it be and just get my marks on Dec. LOL
  8. jamesfirst

    Last exam yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

    well yes and no. I have a crap physics teacher but I'm top.
  9. jamesfirst

    So........ does band 6 cut off depending on........

    Say the cut off for a band 6 in a particular subject was 80/100. But say your cohort literally aced the sht out of it and your internal ranking is like 1-3rd place but you got 78/100. Then you can't get a band 6 ???
  10. jamesfirst

    What did you do.....

    fuck that's so sad......................
  11. jamesfirst

    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    I'll tell you what happened guys: - He failed his Umat - He's done poorly in all the exams so he's disheartened to even open this web page.
  12. jamesfirst

    What did everyone put as there preferences ?

    I put flexible first year for eng. at UNSW. Im gonna get in so I dont think I'll change my pref
  13. jamesfirst

    It's the end...the dawn is upon us

    when I get out of that exam room, Imma fuck some sht up!!!!!!!!!
  14. jamesfirst

    It's the end...the dawn is upon us

    Fuck im so happy of thinking about my last moment walking out of the exam room.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. jamesfirst

    It's the end...the dawn is upon us

    Man that uni is so asian that on open day, the dancers were dancing to Wedding dress... Oh I'm so joining that dance crew :D
  16. jamesfirst

    It's the end...the dawn is upon us

    Handball/wallball is a universal thing among the Australian high schools. Who's going to UNSW? Let's play in that long ass walkway haha
  17. jamesfirst

    So.. 1 more exam to go.

    mine is drained from chem but PHYSICS IMMA RAPE YOU
  18. jamesfirst

    Last exam yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think I'll do well because it's one exam where I'm actually prepared and know my shit.... but then again, I might get fked because the marking criteria is sometimes REALLLLLLY picky.
  19. jamesfirst

    2011 - HSC difficulty.

    My own thought: Chemistry - same difficulty Ext 1 - definitely harder 2 unit - harder English - harder because they specified a text SOR - harder because short answer was on 1 area (all 3 questions) Physics - not sure.
  20. jamesfirst

    Last exam yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bring it on physics!