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  1. C


    So how do you know p would have 2 factors at least that aren't 1?
  2. C


    How do you know a rational perfect square is composite?
  3. C

    Can I get into Extension

    Yes you can. Practice online past paper on thsc.com. Use the textbook/youtube for anything you don't understand
  4. C

    Should I drop to standard math?

    Don't drop
  5. C

    Should I drop to standard math?

    Even if you drop to standard that does not mean you will do well. Study hard, use the textbook (E.g. Terry Lee), know what your theorem, definitions are and how to apply them.
  6. C

    Exponential and factorial inequality

    Try proving n/ (n!)^(1/n) >2
  7. C

    inequalities using integration Q - alternating harmonic series

    Have you tried the geometric series, or following along the lines of the geometric series proof?
  8. C

    Centroid of Tetrahedron

    So take the average of the vectors as per the definition.
  9. C

    Discrete and Continuous Data Question

    There two main types ways to model probability, probability mass function and probability density function. So what you could do is model the field goal percentage using a binomial distribution. The binomial distribution is discrete, discrete meaning opposite of continuous. Now probabilities...
  10. C

    Discrete and Continuous Data Question

    What matter is the random event that you are considering the probability of. If you plot the random events with the probabilities on a graph would you have a continuous line like y=x.
  11. C

    Integral calculus

    I haven't look at it for 2u. I would presume it would be good.
  12. C

    Integral calculus

    Most of the question you seem to be asking seem to standard math questions. Terry Lee is good textbook to use to study
  13. C

    Integral calculus

    So the integral of a function calculates the signed area. area above the x-axis is positive and area below x-axis is negative You want find the value of k so that area above the x-axis equals the area below the x-axis
  14. C

    Vectors - direction/bearing

    Angle should be from (-180, 180] degrees.
  15. C

    Maths Advanced and Extension 1 Tutoring

    Does MX2 mean anything if you don't know why 1/0 is undefined? What about operations research? What about discrete math? What about programming? What about other fields of math such as ML, probability/statistics, differential equations and numerical methods? Do you actually know anything...
  16. C

    The Cover Up Rule Proof

    Try L'hopital rule. Refer to YouTube if necessary
  17. C

    3D Vectors: Parametric equation 🥲

    You don't solve for x. x is a variable or any other variable. You need to perform simplification.
  18. C

    3D Vectors: Parametric equation 🥲

    9. AP = (x-1)^2 + (y+2)^2 + (z-3)^2 PB = (x+3)^2 + (y-1)^2 + (z-2)^2 AP/PB = 1/sqrt(2) I will leave you to finish it of. 10. z^2 = x^2 + y^2 (note z>=0) => 2x^2 + 2y^2 = 1 => x^2 + y^2 = 1/2 coordinates are such that (x, y) are on the point of the circumference of the circle with...
  19. C

    HSC PDHPE Band 6 Notes - makes study so much easier!

    I think Jake Nuner has some free band 6 notes on BOSTES
  20. C

    Induction Question

    What are your theorems, particularly trig?