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  1. girlworld_club

    Help with differentiation question

    thank you sooo much for that! it has cleared a lot of things up. However, just wondering how you got from line 1, to line 2. if anyone else is willing to help, you've already done a lot.
  2. girlworld_club

    Help with differentiation question

    http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/hsc_exams/hsc2003exams/pdf_doc/mathematics_03.pdf question 10 part ii) i just don't seem to get the right answer, probably because my differentiation has become quite a bit pitchy over the last year.
  3. girlworld_club

    what raw mark is need for a band 6 in mathematics hsc?

    what would a raw mark of 80 equate too for 2 unit?
  4. girlworld_club

    Tips on remembering quotes for essay

    read it, read it, read it, then write it, write it, write it. Never fails.
  5. girlworld_club

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    ^ have you been studying all week?
  6. girlworld_club

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    maybe if you guys did your work in the day, then you could sleep?
  7. girlworld_club

    Warning: Do NOT choose Pharmacy (B.Pharm).

    what if you open your own pharmacy?
  8. girlworld_club


    having problems calculating ppm. e.g convert 0.93% (v/v) of Argon to mL/kL how would you do this, i normally solve these questions by using ratios so if you can do it that way it would be great. Also is mL/Kl the same as ppm? i though ppm was mg/L
  9. girlworld_club

    Plans after last hsc exam?

    Holy shit! You're pretty accurate with the subjects i do. except i don't do modern. if i got 50.60 there will be no more girlworld_club. Yeah, i'd probs die. I'm literally so depressed atm.
  10. girlworld_club


    Thanks for posting it so others can see.
  11. girlworld_club

    Plans after last hsc exam?

    i'm currently at the pinnacle of procrastination. plus i can't study past 9, except 1 week before an exam. I'm so stuffed.
  12. girlworld_club

    Plans after last hsc exam?

    sleep. i know i will be deprived. Then depending on how depressed i am..i'll hit the choc bar or the flight centre.
  13. girlworld_club

    How are you studying this Holidays?

    i've done nothing. it might kick in by the end of the week.
  14. girlworld_club


    i am also having problems with question 31 pg 224 of conquering chemistry hsc on sulfate experiment.
  15. girlworld_club


    Exactly how much detail are you supposed to know about AAS for hsc chem. I had a look at conquering chemistry and the types of questions are on calculations which are difficult. However, i have yet to see a hsc exam with very difficult calculations involving AAS.
  16. girlworld_club

    First in the state for standard english

    interested in peter skryznecki, pm me?
  17. girlworld_club

    simple concept which i can not understand

    Also how do we integrate In2 ??? thanks
  18. girlworld_club

    simple concept which i can not understand

    How does: 1. e^20k = 2 equal 20k = ln2 what is the working in between? 2. also what is e^x = 0 3. and another one, how would you solve e^x = 20 i.e what is x? 4. Also how to solve 2^x thank you so much for your time.