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  1. K4M1N3

    Who thinks they are going to get 99+?

    Well tbh that is not always true. As an example i got 88% in my Physics trial (which i lost 8 marks in MC) and 91% in my Chemistry trial (which i lost 5 marks in MC) I always fuck up between the two close answers, and end up picking the one that is 'Not as correct' Btw, my school ranked...
  2. K4M1N3

    Yeah no worries, didn't even know i could track rep, and just thought well you've helped enough...

    Yeah no worries, didn't even know i could track rep, and just thought well you've helped enough people around the site, you deserve some rep XD!
  3. K4M1N3

    HSC plus and AAA scholarship

    On the point of AAA scholarship, was so devastated when i heard the nomination from my school is even planning on going to UNSW.....fml.
  4. K4M1N3

    'How many words...' Combinations

    Yeah that's how the book does it, i know its fairly straight forward but im a lazy mathematician. Just wondered if there was a more simply approach...
  5. K4M1N3

    'How many words...' Combinations

    Come on....i know someone can help.....please ^_^
  6. K4M1N3

    'How many words...' Combinations

    [ex 8.9 Terry Lee] How many words are possible using four letters which are selected from the letters of the word "SYLLABUS"? OK so this isn't so hard a question, but instead of looking in the book and following a similar procedure, does anyone know a simplified method to answer this question?
  7. K4M1N3

    How to successfully study for english....PAPER TWO

    The funny thing about Hamlet is that all the main themes are well connected so if someone where to memorise specific themes, they can easily adapt them to a specified theme in the question. I reckon the most important thing is to have a sound knowledge of all texts...
  8. K4M1N3

    do my friend!

    I'd love to, is she hot?
  9. K4M1N3

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    XD nah i got 2/3 < x < 4 EDIT: Woah my bad....actually bad teacher, got soln wrong. Sorry about that, yeah your soln is correct.
  10. K4M1N3

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    OOO very very very close....have a look back at your working for a mistake.
  11. K4M1N3

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    For n is even: Sum = 1 for n is odd: Sum = 0 Next Question: Find the set of values of x for which the limiting sum exists for the series: 1+(\frac{2x-3}{x+1})+(\frac{2x-3}{x+1})^2+(\frac{2x-3}{x+1})^3+...
  12. K4M1N3

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    apollo trolling? Yeah neither do I....i guessed it by thinking: take one person out, then solve the arrangement as in (i), then do the same for the second person. I just realised that doesnt take into account the fact that each could play someone else at the same time.....my bad.
  13. K4M1N3

    2011 hsc mx1 marathon

    ^ i) 7C2*5C2*3C2 = 630 ii) 6C2*4C2*2 = 180 ....?
  14. K4M1N3

    anyone who can do the paper in ~1hr and get 80+, I have a question for you!

    This is going to sound stupid, does anyone use different colour pens for writing down question numbers? I swear it wastes so much time taking the pen off the lid putting it back on taking the lid off the blue pen etc.
  15. K4M1N3

    Is there any point in redoing the SAME HSC past paper?

    I would say yes, but not immediately after the initial attempt. Do some other past papers, and then come back and see if you can correct your prior mistakes. I mean 60 isnt bad, it just means you have room to improve :D
  16. K4M1N3

    Best Rapper?

    Childish Gambino aka Donald Glover.
  17. K4M1N3

    4u marks and stuff

    Would anyone know what the raw mark would have been last year for a 97
  18. K4M1N3

    Who is online? (2:09am - Sunday)

    Note to self: attempting to memorise english essays at 2:30am was NOT a good idea.
  19. K4M1N3

    Good music to calm oneself down

    Trance is good...if you're into it though.
  20. K4M1N3

    Terry Lee / Cambridge / Fitzpatrick / Patel - which one's the best?

    Well individually they each have their own perks. I have used the Terry Lee and Cambridge all year, and they have been pretty good.