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  1. D

    First Day of Uni...

    How about Tuesday 1pm at the Brennan Room?
  2. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Don't you have a mathematics lecture at that time?
  3. D

    First Day of Uni...

    lol Any of the times below is fine by me. Monday: 2-4pm Tuesday: 1pm to 5pm Wednesday: 11-3pm Thursday: 1pm-5pm Friday: No can do as i have lectures and tuts from 9 to 5 + having to work straight after.
  4. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Yep lol. I was about to sit there but then saw the sign 'Out of Order' and moved elsewhere. yep (yesterday 4/2). She was wearing a blue jacket so i guess it wasnt you.
  5. D

    First Day of Uni...

    yep Hey, I think i saw you? As i remember hearing someone mentioning that they were doing Biomed and got a Atar of 96 or something...
  6. D

    First Day of Uni...

    +1 definitely Where were you seated at?
  7. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Yep I am. I also have that same tutt/lecture that finishes at 8 too. Maybe i'll see you there :D
  8. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Nope. lol
  9. D

    First Day of Uni...

    ^ HAHA you sound exactly like me. Im doing computer science this year (which pretty much has all the same courses as engineering for the first year) so if you see me, say hi :D. Edit: btw cool username
  10. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Probably the latter (i.e still walking up to randoms..) but its mainly in lectures, labs etc not so much at lunch. Maybe we all should have a BOS meeting some time lol
  11. D

    confused...a little questioning

    I believe your talking about the anime/gaming club. They're usually on Mondays from 4-6pm in the GT Bar and Thursdays in the Engineering building at.....hmm.......well it should be on their forum: nuac.org.au
  12. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Yes. I happen to be the one sitting on the stairs. :( (came in about 10min late due to the horrendous traffic).
  13. D

    First Day of Uni...

    Hey Mailmofo, Are you doing Mathematics MATH1002 or MATH1110(Mathematics 1)??? anyways back to topic - my first day was 'okay'. I met a few new people (don't remember there names though :? ) and a few back from my high school.
  14. D

    O-Week 2010

    anyone attending orientation tomorrow?
  15. D

    O-Week 2010

    Why's that?
  16. D

    O-Week 2010

    Hmm... not really. Unless you want to meet new people, join clubs, go on tours and get free stuff. Although its not important.
  17. D

    O-Week 2010

    I'll also be going tomorrow and possible Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I didnt attend today though..
  18. D

    O-Week 2010

    Will there be a meet? Who shall be attending this spectacular event?