No, Kayfabe is the applying of a gimmick character to your own face so as to hide your tru identity from the world. EG: rey Mysterio
BREAKING kayfabe is when you come out of that character or use someones real name EG. Montreal Screwjob or MSG or even when Mr. Mcmahon was "crushed" he called...
Hey hey! Ok, so here's where all the writers come together. If you need assisstance or advice on a piece you happen to be writing, ask your fellow writers!
Right now, i'm working on a book called Elf Canyon, which is the sequel toy first book Elf Mountain.
i know its not real you moron's, it's called KAYFABE acting. I do, however, believe that HBK is the greatest performer alive and i've met Jericho in person so trust me, if given half the chance he'd destroy Michael Hickenbottom first chance he got.
First of all it was DEgeneratin X, and yeah they rocked.
I love WWE but i hate Jericho, Orton and Edge. I think it has goten better since Kurt Angle left for TNA. Btw, TNA is just a cheap copy of the WWE.
How would you know if I'm gay?
Plus, if those boards are crowded with people like you than i'd rather be hung
(like your father should be) than sign up on them boards.