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Search results

  1. luscious-llama

    Rank your subjects

    Strongest to Weakest: Visual Arts English Extension 1 English Extension 2 Studies of Religion 1 History Extension English Advanced Ancient History Most Enjoyable to Least Enjoyable: History Extension Visual Arts Ancient History English Extension 1 English Extension 2 English...
  2. luscious-llama

    Three or more Major Works. Enjoyable Or Just Plain Crazy

    I have both? Bahahaha due in 16 days. or so GO ME Budget: $505 :( (the $5 is for binding my ext 2)
  3. luscious-llama

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    I did the visual arts one scheduled for the 14th of August for you Catholic kiddies. :) Oh the things I could say about it...
  4. luscious-llama

    Class of 'o6.//.Now What??

    Finish trials Finish mw's Get my social life back in order (earning me monies as an event photographer at the moment!) Uhm... go to an island. pitch a tent. pray for no tsumani's. make boyfriend get a boat to come stay with me. yay. Apart from that I think i'm going to end up at Newcastle...
  5. luscious-llama

    1st in the state

    All I need now is some Cuban Zigarillos.... That I do, he also does SOR1 Priesty :P nah you're gonna kick ass in it, if you don't i'll kick YOUR ass ... :) ^_^ a mention or anything like that means I won't kick your ass (just so you know). THE STAKES ARE HIGH PRIESTY..... STRESS STRESS...
  6. luscious-llama

    1st in the state

    I have faith that Priesty will get a mention in the top 5 (is it? well there are a couple) for SOR1 ... that man is just brilliant at everything in it. As for me ...man I only just learnt the format of the entire paper... and my trials on Tuesday. :| As for me, I aspire to get into Art...
  7. luscious-llama

    study food and exercise

    I heart the exercising thing before studying, gets my brain kicking.... As for food, ZOMG... roasted salted cashew nuts, fruit and yoghurt and cheese and crackers
  8. luscious-llama

    My Civic got keyed =(

    :( :burn: at the bastard!
  9. luscious-llama

    Random facts about your stories.

    1) What stage are you at? Refining verily 2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception. 80% 3) What is your in-class assessment mark? I'm unsure as yet. Proposal 9/10. Viva 17/20. Report ? (All together thats 26/30 so far) 4) State the point your story is...
  10. luscious-llama

    Anyone really dislike extension history?

    Everyone I know doing this subject outside that of my school is dropping it :(
  11. luscious-llama

    Three or more Major Works. Enjoyable Or Just Plain Crazy

    Problems: My SOR1 became a correspondence course. Sigh. It's so hard. Latter thingy: I did all written subjects, all in all in the HSC I shall be writing at possibly 8 essays. I wish I did sciences! I was good at science (Aggregating 85s+)
  12. luscious-llama

    EE2 and VA Major Works Whinge Thread

    I did a few all nighters Lynn :D they are FTW!! I have alot of time management, like stuydin for advanced trials, I also wrote a practice fit all essay for Extension 1 :D
  13. luscious-llama

    Three or more Major Works. Enjoyable Or Just Plain Crazy

    Art MW EE2 MW History Extension MW SOR1 Project. It's okay I guess.:(
  14. luscious-llama

    when your younger sibling grows up

    Isn't that "DaddyK" :P? I have twin brothres who are 14 and in the apathetic stage where all they care about is music and WoW...much to my mothers displeasure "why don't you's socialise more?" Bahaha
  15. luscious-llama

    Romance, survey971

    1. Are you a romantic person? Sometimes. I like it on occasion only though... 2. What's romantic, and what's cliche (the most stupid thing one would say/do in a relationship) to you? Stupid would be to give me roses or anything you buy from a typical gift store. Romantic would be...
  16. luscious-llama

    Paper 2 : MODULES, So? How'd you go?

    Was that the CSSA paper? We got some random bought paper...
  17. luscious-llama

    Speech for King Lear....

    I really wish we had the writing booklets.... We have freaking A4 pieces of paper instead.... so in fact I have no idea/indication of how many pages I can write in a booklet
  18. luscious-llama

    Paper 2 : MODULES, So? How'd you go?

    Go to bed honey :)
  19. luscious-llama

    Gap Year - forget the trials - there's life after the hsc

    Uhm I don't understand what you're going on about there, but yeah. Hmm. I love my priesty, leave him alone :mad1: He has an awesome life. You already insulted him so I can't really take back the apology beacuse you then insulted brogan. :burn: I LOVE BROGAN TOO Well done :) thats pretty...