Search results

  1. T

    another ATAR estimate

    catholic trials. 75% for MX1, 90% for 2u
  2. T

    another ATAR estimate

    School Rank: 270 English Adv: 2/18 English X1: 2/6 English X2: 3/5 Maths: 1/21 Maths X1: 3/11 Ancient: 1/7 Drama: 2/10 :)
  3. T

    Should i drop Chem?

    I'm 60% sure I want to do Medicine when i finish school, and so the only reason I took Chem was that I heard from everywhere that it is a prerequisite to study Med. But i hate it, it's the worst subject i picked, and i want to drop it. Is it really necessary for med? or am i safe to drop it?
  4. T

    What are you looking forward to most after the SC?

    Modern warfare 2.
  5. T

    Help with subject selection.

    I'll probably go with Modern, thanks for your help. :)
  6. T

    Help with subject selection.

    Yeh i know you're probably sick of all of these popping up, but i would appreciate any help given. I'm hoping to study Med at uni and become a doctor/surgeon/specialist in the future also. The subjects i'm going with are going to be: 3U Maths 3U English 2U Chem 2U Bio 2U Drama 2U Ancient The...