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  1. Cowbell

    Is Advance English WAY Harder than Standard English

    Advanced english is a circlejerk for faggots who think they're smarter than others, the actual work is easy as fuck. Standard english is exactly the fucking same as advanced, except you just get shitter marks because theres a predisposed idea that you're retarded because you do standard. It's...
  2. Cowbell


    Depending on weather you're "I'm so deep and intelligent, this life isn't for me I have figured it out too soon bawww" faggot fake depression or actually "I just feel shit all thie time for no reason" real brain chemistry disorder depression, there are two different options. For the first kind...
  3. Cowbell

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    yeah i'm pretty ok with being gloriously average
  4. Cowbell

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    nice monkey lol so randum, gonna go listen to som tool
  5. Cowbell

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    Fuck is it just me or is there a tendency to be a larger number of straight out retarded people on this forum than real life. I actually typed up a paragraph stating how cognitively impaired you are, but it's not even worth posting. don't have kids.
  6. Cowbell

    Do ABC guys like fob girls?

    OP the answer is that FOB's pretty much just suck at being australian and ABC's (fucking want to stab that term) are australian. fuck you guys don't understand shit when it comes to social situations.
  7. Cowbell

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    At my school 50% in an ext 1 exam is about average. It depends on how hard your exams are. And of the 30 kids doing extension 1 maths last year, 25 got over 90 ATAR. 50% might not be so bad.
  8. Cowbell

    Thinking of changing schools

    Are you fucking serious? How many kids could you go up to, right now, and have them say they want to be a doctor or a lawyer? Because I know its a good 20% of kids at my school. Do you honestly believe that 20% of the population are going to be doctors of lawyers? Be realistic. There are going...
  9. Cowbell

    Thinking of changing schools

    I've attended selective, non selective and international schools. (not asian, just lived overseas for a bit). There is a very high chance that my experience with different people exceeds yours incomparably.
  10. Cowbell

    Thinking of changing schools

    That's a bad thing how? Because the HSC doesn't (and shouldn't) determine how successful you're going to be, both in terms of how much you're paid and weather you'll end up doing something you'll enjoy. Because it's impossible to balance a good study routine with a healthy social life...
  11. Cowbell

    Thinking of changing schools

    In pre school nobody cared about doing work because nobody told us it was important. At selective schools, you're constantly told how important the HSC is. People are self righteous enough to buy it (because of the sense of self achievement in attending a selective school). At non selective...
  12. Cowbell

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    people are generally politically apathetic because our generation is the first one to actually think for themselves, and most of us have come to the conclusion that there will always be fuckers in power and it doesn't really make a difference what label they're under, they will always have the...
  13. Cowbell

    If You Could Choose A Text To Study For English, For Your HSC, What Would It Be?

    fuck that, i'd pick something that i had no interest in english has ruined enough texts for me.
  14. Cowbell

    Bullying, is it really an issue at schools?

    oh are you fucking serious? you think that using rarely used word makes people think you're smarter? you're actually fucking retarded. When you use words like that people just assume you're trying to prove something, and must be compensating for a lack some other vital skill. That's why mast...
  15. Cowbell

    Bullying, is it really an issue at schools?

    Theres no legitimate excuse for an uncountable amount of shit that happens in our world, and bullying is waaaay down at the bottom of the list. Perhaps closer to the top of the list is the extermination of those who use words like atavistic and regression because they are genuine self...
  16. Cowbell

    Bullying, is it really an issue at schools?

    That's because enough of us are smart enough to recognise the worth in things like intellect. What I'm saying is that most "bullies" follow their hunter gatherer instinct because they are unaware that there is a motive behind it. Those of us that are smart enough go against what we're "meant" to...
  17. Cowbell

    Bullying, is it really an issue at schools?

    The sooner you learn that every single fucking thing any human being has ever done and ever will do was a result of an instinctive unconsciousness that rules over each and every one of our actions the better. Not even the bullies themselves could tell you why they bully others, and even if you...
  18. Cowbell

    Bullying, is it really an issue at schools?

    Bullying is just part of natural selection- if someone is faulty enough to be bullied and stupid enough to be unable to rectify their mistreatment, they aren't something I want in my gene pool. Hopefully, the victim of bullying is either so emotionally crippled that they cannot find a mate (ie...
  19. Cowbell


    Dude chill out, amp up, get loose, cause some havoc, break shit, fix shit, find something, learn something, change something. Set the night on fire, let it burn. Be the fire. We're all going down, but not alone. Knowing does not make a difference- he who finds meaning lives by rules. He who...
  20. Cowbell

    good experiment or no for chem ?

    WTF? that question was neither an aim nor a hypothesis, it is untestable and shit. for starters, figure out what you're actually trying to say before you say it.