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  1. nhoustonrocks

    SC Results Thread

    Re: 2008SC SC Results ~ English 82 Mathematics 85 Science 89 Geography 92 History 91 Computers 92 i think. so happy with the results!!
  2. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Staff

    to my annoying, bossy & fat co-worker. - make the freaking sandwiches yourself. dont make the other workers do it. - dont complain over something when our boss tells you to do so. if he tells you to clean the coffee machine, he means YOU, not someone else. - if i'm making a coffee for a...
  3. nhoustonrocks

    year 10 formal

    at my school, it costs $50 and its going to be at the school hall. i reckon thats expensive for something only going to be held at the school...and all these rules set upon us. i refuse to go to any formal (personal reasons)..but since my school are the biggest cheapskates, i probably...
  4. nhoustonrocks

    School HSC rank

    abbotsleigh 22nd private school..
  5. nhoustonrocks

    Are you doing any Maths next year?

    maths is ok. but i'm doing it. at my school, its compulsory to do at least 2 units of maths in year 11 and then we have the option of dropping in year 12.. but i still would do maths, its assumed knowledge for business courses..
  6. nhoustonrocks

    economics or history?

    I'll have to go and find the right person to ask if I'll be able to change at the beginning of Year 11. The problem is, if I change after like 4 weeks or something, that means I have 4 weeks of other work that I have to catch up on. But I guess it'll be worth it, not having to fail a subject...
  7. nhoustonrocks

    economics or history?

    thats the problem..I like history and I do really well in it. But I dont know about economics. I've never done it before and I didn't do commerce as an elective. But it certainly sounds interesting, and its definetely more interesting than anything else offered at my school. So..I really...
  8. nhoustonrocks

    economics or history?

    A few weeks ago, our year 10s chose our subjects for next year. I've chosen: English Advanced Mathematics Biology Business Studies Geography Economics For a while now, I've been thinking of changing Economics to another elective. I've heard from other people while the content is very...
  9. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Customers

    i have something to say about picky middle aged men. he ordered a salad roll, so i was cutting the roll in half when.. man: Hey, you didn't cut the bread straight in the middle (when the roll was perfectly in the middle) me: Um, yes I did (show the bread right in front of his evil face)...
  10. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Staff

    rule for lollypop men on my way to school: 1. please be happy, or at least act happy while you're working. 2. DO NOT smoke while you're at the job. you're being a bad influence on the primary school kids that you have to work with. 3. DO NOT j-walk to get to your crossing area. bastards...
  11. nhoustonrocks

    Year 11 Subjects!

    I thought it was a requirement to do the preliminary couse for modern history to be able to complete the HSC course? There's nobody in my grade at school who is accelerating in any school subject so I dont really know much about it. There's a year 9 class who is doing the year 10 maths...
  12. nhoustonrocks

    Year 11 Subjects!

    Hey fellow Year 10s, I thought it would be a good idea to start a discussion about what we've chosen to do next year. Some of us have already handed in their subject forms and some of us will pretty soon. I handed my form in just yesterday so I'll list what I've chosen: English Advanced (2)...
  13. nhoustonrocks

    subject choosing issues

    actually, we don't find out our lines or whatever until everyone hands in their forms and the people who work it out make the lines so that they can get as many people doing all the subjects they want to apart from maths & english (which are on separate lines), no subject is guaranteed...
  14. nhoustonrocks

    subject choosing issues

    hi peoples, my subject choices are due in next wednesday (30th july) and i'm kinda freaking out about what i want to be doing. i want to do english (not sure which level..probably advanced) mathematics biology geography economics business studies but my dad was telling me about how i shouldnt...
  15. nhoustonrocks

    School Certificate Electives ROLL CALL CLASS

    i do: japanese - its my favourite elective, but its turning pretty hard so i don't plan on doing it next year. ist - ok i guess. pass - terrible. its my least favourite subject..the year 9 course was pretty cool, but this year's course sucks. i dread going to every single lesson. i do...
  16. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Customers

    dear customers, - after i tell you that there's no more white bread, don't get all angry and storm out of the shop. its not our fault that there's no more white bread left you whingey customer. god, do something good for you health and get a wholemeal sandwich. - dont tell me you want a large...
  17. nhoustonrocks

    A bit of info on your school.

    2007: 21st/22nd (can't remember which one) highest UAI: 99.95 18% - over 97 34% - over 95 63% - over 90 yeah..not sure what our 08ers are like.
  18. nhoustonrocks

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    i want to get >90. but not sure if that's going to happen. will be happy with anything over 75 because the course that i would like to do has a cut-off of around 75-ish.
  19. nhoustonrocks

    chinese continuers

    how long have you been living in hong kong for? were you born there? what kind of school did you go to in hong kong (e.g. international school, local school etc.) i'm not sure, but i'm leaning towards the background speakers course because you can speak cantonese and little bits of mandarin...
  20. nhoustonrocks

    Chances of me going to a Selective School (different person)

    what about the marks (like /100) for the subjects? you seem to be good at maths & science which is beneficial. what about english? i'm curious to know, what subjects did you get your C & D in? you have a good chance, depending on how many places the school is offering and the quality of the...