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  1. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread holy shit this thread is still going on. when will you people wake up and realise soccer is a pussy of a sport? fuck. i'm dumbfounded by how retarded you all are. Nrl all the way bitches!
  2. misspaige

    Top 5 Albums of 2009

    I dont think there is any
  3. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread I dont have as many reasons as you did, but hey!... most of yours were based on minor rules, and alot of your points were incorrect and irrelevant! Soccer participants actually fellate one...
  4. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread soccer as a game is boring and a joke, its nothing but a bunch of men falling over there own feet for a penalty. Seriously the only skill you need in soccer is acting injured, even then they fail. Soccers like watching a bad soap opera, only it makes me laugh
  5. misspaige

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    you have not offended me personally, but you have offended a whole culture. that is wrong!
  6. misspaige

    nice spray tan!

    nice spray tan!
  7. misspaige

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Can someone ban this bitch??:shoot:
  8. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread just because you faked an injury doesnt mean it was real what did you break a nail?:jaw:
  9. misspaige

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    a girl doesnt urinate out of her vagina she urinates through her uretha
  10. misspaige

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    i am really interested in how you seem to think this inequality is accepted in society, it isnt, women have been fighting for decades fighting for their rights and gaining the respect they deserve, its adolescent boys, like yourself who spit in their faces, and disrespect everything they...
  11. misspaige

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    well its not natural, and most girls would agree with me, a small penis does not represent "strength and masculinity" it represents a major disapointment :vcross:
  12. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread soccers for girls and you know it
  13. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread ignorance is bliss
  14. misspaige

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    im a girl and i definately agree that some girls are "crap". and seriously john mcCain? you look gay, what is that leopard skin?
  15. misspaige

    The Football Thread

    re: The Official Football Thread yeah soccer isn football, it's soccer! :jaw: nrl is footbal, GO THE BRISBANE BRONCOS
  16. misspaige

    What perfume are you wearing at the moment?

    ralph lauren rocks is my absolute favourite perfume
  17. misspaige


  18. misspaige

    What annoys you about the opposite sex?

    And why cant you males recieve anal sex, it seems to me that you have double standards, my friend.