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    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Looking to BUY!! ECON1101: Principles of Microeconomics 3ED, Edition: 3E ACCT1501: Financial Accounting An Integrated Approach with Student, Edition: 5E13 GEOS1701: Elemental Geosystems with Mastering Geography, Author: Christopherson Robert W also a textbook for BIOS1301 but it didn't come up...
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    UMAT Question explanation

    Oh the UMAT, I remember those 3 hours of hell! :)
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    Main Rounds

    I'm feeling okay about it all, I am at uni 5 days a week regardless of the ways I shift and change my class times. I think if you love what you are studying (which should often be the case in uni) you'll get good marks regardless. Keep positive :)
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    UNSW AAA scholarship question -Law

    Anyone know if the AAA 5 bonus points count during late round offers?
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    Law/Commerce Timetable

    I am doing ACCT1501 and ECON1101 too!!
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    Would a tablet be useful in Uni?

    In business economics? I'll probably bring both paper and laptop just in case.
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    Would a tablet be useful in Uni?

    Why would that be?? (for science and commerce)
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    Second thoughts about studying law?

    I'm going to major in ecology, as it quite closely mirrors the environmental science degree which I was interested in. You?
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    Second thoughts about studying law?

    Hi :) I am kinda looking at the same path as you, I am doing Commerce/Science and then (hopefully) Master of Environmental law. I thought this was a way to make my education less boring and more focused through removing the irrelevant law courses, which I was not interested in. It may...
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    Timetabling help?

    On the subject of timetables, when it says week 1, is that the week after O-week?
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    Stats courses in Science/Commerce

    :D More than once! I know I don't want to be a lawyer though. Plus enviro sci is 4 years and science/commerce is 4 years, so I may as well!
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    Stats courses in Science/Commerce

    Hey! I was looking at combined Commerce/Science (ecology) and for ecology a core course is MATH1041 Stats for Life & Soc Sciences, and I can also pick that as my core stats course for Commerce. Does that mean I have an extra course to choose from? and please don't comment on my erratic...
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    Transferring and UOC

    Hey I was wondering if anyone has had experience of transferring and catching up on courses? Say you transferred mid year and you missed a core course that is only available in Semester 1, would you have to do it the following year and then have a larger workload? Thanks
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    Supportive texts?

    I did a text (advertisement) called "It's time to tell mum" spoken by Akmal Saleh. It's about the debate surrounding internet censorship. I think it worked well with Julius Caesar, and it's a funny advertisement to watch, so that helped when memorising stuff like quotes. Good luck! :)
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    Info Days!

    I'm in the exact same boat :(
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    Info Days!

    Nah, for me it was travel convenience and the fact I wanted to go to uni in sydney.
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    Info Days!

    haha and it's UNSW for me!
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    Timetabling and class times

    Yep that's it! :) I also want to travel home home (about 5 hours travel) on Friday afternoons, so I want to be able to do that and not have a class on. Thanks everyone, you're making this process sooo much easier :)
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    Timetabling and class times

    Also can anyoen explain to me what this means?? Thanks :) Location: Law G17 Computer Lab (K-F8-G17)