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  1. N

    UAC offer up for UWS course, Logon unavailable?

    this happened to me as well and ive no idea what to do other then wait due to the 'time restrictions'
  2. N

    FREAKED OUT! Atar Estimate please stressing out right now!

    75-80 at max top 40 school im assuming the kids that pull you up wont apply as much for standard eng, and ur other ranks arnt great either
  3. N


    ugh dude get on runescape and your time is pretty much sorted
  4. N

    Roll Call: Class of 2014

    add me on runescape- robetea1 im 112 on oldschool and lv 134 on rs3 still active :)
  5. N

    General Thoughts: Studies of Religion II

    wasnt hard but multiple choice would have got a few people
  6. N

    General Thoughts: Biology

    so many dodgy questions lol im thinking the answer to that one was boiling [c] because if they were both sterile [boiling] they would have not developed cloudiness. But then again in the first place, bacterial growth occurs due to exposure to the air in the nutrient broth, which is why they use...
  7. N

    General Thoughts: Biology

    the diagram for question 12/13 [pasteur] does not list any method or equipment that implies the beakers were sealed from the air. Also on Day 1 is says the nutrient broth was clear for both tubes, so you can say it wasnt exposed to microbes. they both developed cloudiness on day 14, thus the...
  8. N

    Who else has finished their exams!?

    i got 1 more exam & its my last 2 units so im kind of slacking off but i know i got enough time to study all of it
  9. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    according to simpsons rule yeah, 1.2 represents the hieght so thats the final part of the formula. For this question you had to calculate the areas of each sector and substitute that into the simpsons forumla to get the volume
  10. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    if you know your stuff the exam shouldnt take any longer then 2 hours tbh
  11. N

    Copy of the exam?

    an ext1 student would fail it for sure
  12. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    i think i got 3hr something for that 1....
  13. N

    band 6 cut off this year?

    general maths isnt hard anyways since like the 2000 papers 89 would get you 93-95. Band 6 this year will be low 80s if not 85
  14. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    it only specified 'which way of travelling is cheaper' some1 work this out?
  15. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    Xuso is comp[aring the costs of two different ways of travelling to university Wuxo's motorcycle uses 1 litre of fuel for every 17km travelled. The cost of fuel is $1.67/L and the distance from her home to the university car park is 34 km. The cost of travelling by bus is $36.30 for 10 single...
  16. N

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    im hoping for 90 + raw only 1 2 marker that i was absolutely blank on
  17. N

    clone or not????

    ye i was just pointing out what she said :) i hope i dont get 0 though meh we see
  18. N

    clone or not????

    it wasnt a couple it was her own eggs, unless ur assuming its an inbred couple [meaning its not a clone due to sex-linkag genes w/male]
  19. N

    clone or not????

    even tho i said it was a clone im thinking it wasnt. all of gamete formation pretty much leads to variation. in that case it was 5 marks,would i immediately get 0 because my topic sentence was 'it is a clone' yet throughout my paragraph i explained the variation of meiosis[far im stupid] any1...
  20. N

    70 Atar ??

    possibly really depends on your external percentages