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  1. M


    at least that was my third para. My other two were on mandatory minimum sentences and alternative methods of sentencing. In my bail para I tried to word it as how it affected trials. I know I cant get a full 15, but hopefully my other 2 were good enough to get at least 10
  2. M


    I though bail/remand was part of the trial process. the question was on trial and sentencing, I asked my teacher after he said bail/remand counted as trial process
  3. M

    Legal Studies Predictions

    yeah, probably the easiest way to organise them, and you can see how much is common between them. Like bail/remand as a paragraph works for discretion, balancing victims, offenders and society, legal/nonlegal, moral standards
  4. M

    Ancient History Predictions/Thoughts

    I don't find sparta too bad, they got up to some shenanigans. The gymnopadia literally means festival of naked boys. Athens asked them to help in a war and they said "nah mate we're praying rn come back later"
  5. M

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    oh well. I have no idea what I'd do, so Im gonna stick with my essay plan and hope for the best. If it ends up being a different form, may god have mercy on the poor markers who have to slog through whatever dribble I put on the page
  6. M

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    thats what I thought initially as well, until my english teacher told us an hour ago she is expecting a different form response for mod a and b. She didn't teach us how to do that, so I'm very confused
  7. M

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    i was reading the syllabus and matrixedu and it said you may need to respond imaginatively. How would you go about that, making an imaginative piece rather than a structured essay
  8. M

    English Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    Does anyone know how to write in different forms for mods A or B, not a normal essay? I just found out that it's a possibility and I was not taught shit about that