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  1. L

    [IMPORTANT] i think i have a problem

    ummm thank you? soo i'm booked in for monday arvo. I think i'll just have to suck it up and tell him. i hope he doesn't have to see.... i;m afraid my penis isn't very large. =[
  2. L

    [IMPORTANT] i think i have a problem

    What's "troll"? anyway guys i've built up the courage and i've booked an appointment with my doctor... ummm any tips on how i should go about tell him this? Thanks.
  3. L

    [IMPORTANT] i think i have a problem

    But you see i'm embarrassed by having to explain to a doctor.. i think it might be infected is their wanything i can do to treat it by myself?
  4. L

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    Whats the "deed" OO... murder?
  5. L

    [IMPORTANT] i think i have a problem

    So a couple of mates had a sleepover and everything yeah? But the lads thought it'd be funny to play a joke on me. Stupid asians tried to pull down my foreskin while i was sleeping. Now i hadn't experienced this before and they pulled it down with such force that my actual foreskin ripped. I'm...