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  1. jazzmuzik

    question: conscious?, unconscious?

    This may not be in the right section but its "health" related...And i should know this but i'm confused... what are the characteristics of a conscious/unconscious person? eg. Breathing but no pulse? Breathing with pulse? No breathing no pulse? what about someone in a coma...
  2. jazzmuzik

    Singer - jazz song!

    not exactly sure about the range but heres a few standards... summertime (warning: done to death in the hsc...) straighten up and fly right mad about the boy let's do it (let's fall in love) mack the knife wade in the water (more bluesy...) mr bojangles its only a paper moon aint...
  3. jazzmuzik

    Failed P's?

    i'm lucky i actually already have a car...we bought an old car off our friends for $2500. I have a car, i have a license, I'm FREE! :) (i turn 18 in 2 months too)
  4. jazzmuzik

    auto license, can i drive a manual?

    I have my red P's in an auto. I know i cant drive a manual until i get on my green P's (a year). If i want to learn in the meanwhile though what do i do? Do i put on L plates when driving the manual? (or not...cause i technically no longer have a Learner license...)
  5. jazzmuzik

    Failed P's?

    I started this thread, and i'm happy to say I passed my P's this morning!!! yay second time around all was sweet..i did have some blacked out traffic lights but all went ok :)
  6. jazzmuzik

    question about writing dialogue

    When writing dialogue in a story, how do you structure it? If two people have a convosation, do you start a new line when a new person speaks? When one person is speaking, but the convosation pauses for description, do you continue on the same line? or start a new line as the dialogue...
  7. jazzmuzik

    18th birthday party ideas?

    my party is combined with a friend, its outside in winter.. i'm thinking * fairy lights * candles * lanterns *bonfire *BBQ etc etc
  8. jazzmuzik

    18th birthday party ideas?

    What's everyone doing for their 18th? What did you do? I'm planning an outdoor party in winter, any ideas? candles, lanterns, bonfire etc?
  9. jazzmuzik

    18th birthday parties!

    I'm currently organising my 18th birthday party, i'm having it combined with my best friend We wanted a really fun "gypsy" style theme including.. * fairy lights * bonfires in drums, * lots of candles * japanese lanterns. The dress is masquerade, (just means wear a mask in this case)...
  10. jazzmuzik

    costume design: what era?

    good advice, thanks for your help. :):uhhuh:
  11. jazzmuzik

    costume design: what era?

    I'm doing costume design for "The Ham Funeral" by Patrick White. according to the script it is set in about 1919. And the landlady has a vaguely edwardian hairstyle... Both these eras are different (costume wise).. there is the 1920's or early 1900's (like 1905 etc) which era should i...
  12. jazzmuzik

    What's the most popular genre people are writing in?

    i dont do ext 2.. but generally with any short story its better to write something simple (and maybe a little cliche) than to try too hard to be so "original" that it is embarassingly cliche... my advice keep it simple but well written make sense?
  13. jazzmuzik

    Picture books on change?

    The Rabbits by john marsden and Shaun Tan (national, widespread change) The Red tree by Shaun Tan (personal change) The Tower to the sun by Colin Thompson (global change) green eggs and ham Dr. Suess (personal change) :) my favourites
  14. jazzmuzik

    HSC Majorworks as Your Portfolio for Uni, Don't Get Down About Them

    Yay thanks for this thread! it makes me feel good. My subjects are English, Japanese, Drama, Art, Music and Ext. English. So quite a few major works. Art and Drama are my best subjects so i was hoping to go really really well and i had been.. then i got 17/20 in the last week for a small drama...
  15. jazzmuzik

    Want to be as white as sheet.

    This was some of the stuff i meant :) nice work finding the link!
  16. jazzmuzik

    how to add an attachment to a BOS message?

    Hmm i'm computer illiterate, but i cant find an option that will allow me to attach a file.I want to attach a word document. Help plz!
  17. jazzmuzik

    Want to be as white as sheet.

    When i went to japan a few years ago, pale, pearly skin was all the rage! Instead of tanning products there were lots on the market to make your skin paler and smoother. Not sure brand names etc but i know these are available. :)
  18. jazzmuzik

    Failed P's?

    I just sat for my P's the afternoon and failed. I got 90+ in the score but got an immediate fail because i didnt stop at a stop sign. I didnt know where or how i did cause i swore i stopped at every stop sign i saw. Dad and I drove the course again after trying to find where i'd made the...
  19. jazzmuzik

    creative: what to be when i grow up?

    I've recently been tossing around ideas of what i want to be when i grow up. :) For a long time i've wanted to work in theatre, as a costume and set designer. I'm from the country but for many years our family has been involved in the local theatrical society, and also general performing arts...