Search results

  1. S

    need some help regarding edutest (tryna get into baulko)

    From what I heard it's basic math (maybe some parabolas based on practice tests) and there are 60 questions with a 30 minute time limit. Also for tips just do them as fast as you can and do math problems in general.
  2. S

    need some help regarding edutest (tryna get into baulko)

    I don't have the link, but you can just go on taobao and search edutest and they should come up.
  3. S

    need some help regarding edutest (tryna get into baulko)

    What other resources could be useful? I did a yr 9 ICAS math past paper already and I've heard victorian selective past papers are really good but I don't know where to find them.
  4. S

    need some help regarding edutest (tryna get into baulko)

    Apparently, it's really hard because there are something around 5 spots. My friend got into Baulko last year and the principal told him that out of the 30 transfers overall, 15 of them enter Yr 9, and the rest are distributed amongst years 8, 10, and 11.
  5. S

    need some help regarding edutest (tryna get into baulko)

    For the practice papers, are they labelled for the year you're transferring into or for the year you're in rn. For example, I'm in yr 9, is it yr 9 or 10 practice papers that I need to do (got both but the yr 9 ones look far too easy).
  6. S

    kurt's entrance test

    My friend in Yr 9 took the Kurt's entrance test and got in for Term 1 this year. I asked him about it and he said that there was a lot of algebra. From other people who go to Kurt, they all said that it was quite challenging.