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  1. Y


    r u sure? ima goan turst ya man:) better be right
  2. Y


    yeah its help thx a lot guys and 1 more question wat is the most improtant finacali statment?
  3. Y


    stilll dont get wat cushioning cycle is
  4. Y


    information role is giving out information tot he public about there financil position thier strategies etc.....?
  5. Y


    answer to these plz chian of command =? base on CS, P, or B thoery? span of control=? base upon? wat is informational role=? interpersonal role=? cushioning economic cycle=? plz give and example? i noe its long but if just some1 post an answer for one then it will make easier...
  6. Y

    exam question. 2

    can any tell me if the examers mark u down if u wrote more then ONE of the pictures on question 2?
  7. Y

    some1 plz explain

    thx a lot guys
  8. Y

    some1 plz explain

    oo i get it now so some of its energy is converted to heat energy so there is lost of energy (resistance) is that right? corect me
  9. Y

    some1 plz explain

    i kinda get it now but wat happens when they lose kenetic energy?
  10. Y

    some1 plz explain

    can some1 explain to me wat is lattice? and also wat is impurities? and some1 plz explain y resistance in metal is increased by impurities and scattered electrons by lattice vibrations