Search results

  1. T

    Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

    i heard from somewhere that ANU was quite good in economic/commerce guess i misheard... if ANU isnt any good at any of this what is it good at its like in the top 20 in the world there must be a reason ....
  2. T

    Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

    i got the course i wanted to do Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce the problem is i dont know which uni would be the better place to study it the three uni im looking at the moment is Usdy, UNSW and ANU could someone please shed some light please
  3. T

    Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce

    i got the course i wanted to do Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce the problem is i dont know which uni would be the better place to study it the three uni im looking at the moment is Usdy, UNSW and ANU could someone please shed some light please
  4. T

    is ANU any good?

    im currently looking at the Bachelor of Software Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce course and was wandering the same thing is ANU any good in these areas? could someone please shed some light :confused: :confused: