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  1. Starship22


  2. Starship22

    How many marks lost for not including conclusion

    Hi, I ran out of time to write a conclusion on my 20 mark essay, which led me to write [INSERT INTRO HERE AS CONCLUSION]. How many marks would I lose, assuming that my essay is pretty decent all around?
  3. Starship22

    How much do you have to study for hard subjects in the hsc.

    I'm only in 11 rn but I study for ~3 hours on the weekdays and 5 on the weekends including tutoring. However its not spread evenly. For example on Fridays and I do absolutly no work while on Sundays I can crank out about 8 hours. If anything I have found that too much studying has diminshing...
  4. Starship22

    Bad in English Advanced vs Good in English Extension?

    Lmao I had a similar probelm with maths ext and adv. Go a really high rank for ext and got a very average rank for advanced.
  5. Starship22

    Year 11 atar prediction?

    Hi, I know I am only in year 11 but I would like to get a rough prediction based on my ranks. BTW i go to a high 50s low 60s school. Physics: 40% (19/106) B6s '18' Chemistry: 48% (36/108) B6s '18' Modern History: 72% (7/41) B6s 1 (6 the year before) Maths Advanced: 90% (~25-30/230) B6s '55'...
  6. Starship22

    worried about atar

    You might need to provide us the ranks as you whole cohort could have done bad. I would say your spot looks pretty rough right now but you still got like 80% of your total hsc mark left. From now on, you should grind, study hard and ask for help when needed in order to make a solid comeback. If...
  7. Starship22

    Engineering Studies

    My bad I would never disrespect my [INSERT TEACHER NAME] like that. He has nurtured me ever since year 10 electronics
  8. Starship22

    Engineering Studies

    Update. This person right here is currently not liking engineering studies
  9. Starship22

    Internal rankings for 92+ atar?

    Hi guys. Just started year 11 and I am wondering what ranks I should aim for in order to preferably reach 95 atar? (but anything over 92 would still be fine.) I go to a school ranked in the high 50s/low 60s and do: Chem, physics, 3u maths, 2u English and modern history.
  10. Starship22

    Is 97+ atar achievable with...

    Hello there fellow chatswoodhighschoolian
  11. Starship22

    Can I get into Extension

    BTW if anybodies wondering I got in no problem...
  12. Starship22

    Year 11 maths ext past paper?

    My tutoring calls differentiation “module 1”. I was grinding it in the holidays and realised it would only be tought in term 3 💀
  13. Starship22

    Year 11 maths ext past paper?

    Sorry I don’t know the proper terminology. My tutoring calls it modules. I more so mean like the first “term of maths ext 1 like functions and polynomials
  14. Starship22

    Year 11 maths ext past paper?

    Hi there! Does anybody know where I can access module 1 past papers (functions, polynomials, etc) for maths ext1? Thanks
  15. Starship22

    Barred from English Advanced

    Yeah I might have some hope as they said it’s only a “recommendation” although I go to a top 50-60 selective so they might just be gatekeeping in order to make their numbers look better
  16. Starship22

    Barred from English Advanced

    This is extremely helpful thank you very much. I am still inquiring with the faculty but it’s great to know that there is a potential chance next year, especially since I overheard one of my teachers talking about an year 11 student who moved up. I will for sure out as much effort as possible...
  17. Starship22

    Barred from English Advanced

    Thanks. But like how much effort would I have to put into standard. I am doing subjects like MX1 and physics so will something like a mid band 5 be ok for standard? and how hard would it be to get it
  18. Starship22

    Barred from English Advanced

    Hi guys I am in year 10. Recently I tried applying for English advanced but I was unable to get in because my average was too low (~68%). I am now stuck in standard and I am hoping to get at least 92 atar. How fucked am I?