Hey people
I was just wondering if anyone has any good ideas for helping the local school environment?
What would you do to make your school a better place environmentally?
Hey people, i've just written a few paragraphs of an essay and am wondering if is legit. What do you think?:bomb::confused::bomb:
A lack of understanding of belonging and be caused by confusion. Confusion is when an individual is unclear and perplexed of something. This can affect the...
thanks for the feedback
i'll reflect on it
Just one thing
I LOVED creative writing BEFORE i started Belonging
now i'm brain dead:angry:
i'ts annoying to think about a plot in belonging
journeys are much easier
Although i guess i could still find more ideas somewhere in this small brain...
Hey people. I wrote this random creative and handed it in to my teacher, and she wrote on my paper "You have some great ideas here but this is not a narrative":rolleyes:
Personally i believe that anything which is fiction is a narrative or creative writing. But read it through and reply.
What do...