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  1. georgiakatee

    Body of work, photography. How to present?

    I'm printing my photos in A3 and was wondering how do we present photos when using photography as a media? Do we glue them to something like cork? Put them in a frame? Or just sent them up as they are for marking...
  2. georgiakatee

    PIP "has the media created false expectations of romantic love"? fill out questionnai

    Well I am basing my pip around the concept of romantic love and how the media has hyped it up etc. I was going to call my PIP "Is romantic love innate or manufactured by the media"? But I found that this was going to be too broad a subject and I needed to slim down my research. Anyway I have...
  3. georgiakatee

    UAI And A levels? Moving to uk for uni from aus? Possible?

    I'm a year 11 student in nsw, I plan to move to london next december (when I finish school). I would then start university the following august/september (when the uni year starts in england). Im wondering how my uai results would convert into the results of A levels that English unis expect...
  4. georgiakatee

    PIP - Heterosexism & Heterosexual Privilege in the Media

    great choice of topic! I just did your survey :)
  5. georgiakatee

    Redhead Discrimination- For PIP!

    Questionnaires 1 For natural redheads: 1. Age . -12 . 12-18 . 19-25 . 26-35 . 36-45 .45+ 2. Gender . Male . Female . Other 3. Have you ever been discriminated against? Yes 4. Has your hair colour ever prevented you from achieving something? I can still remember being in primary...