also for your Romanticism i watched a film called dead poets society its really good relates to Romanticism. I'm doing Fahrenheit 451 (main text), whose life is it anyways by Brian Clark (related text) and the movie Shawshank Redemption (related text).
well for your information guys im in year 10 sitting for hsc 2 unit maths plus biology and English advanced so u might want to cut me some slack man i go to school on Saturday as well um and fanx for the help i noe i suck at english especially my spelling um i wanted to ask wat realted rext r u...
hey does anyone noe anything about these related text whose life is it anyway by brian clark and the film shawshank redemption for the area of study authority and the individual
hey guys um i was wondering if anyone knows anything about the related text whose life is it anyway 4 the area of study authority and the individual by brian clark any helpful tips for helping me write my essay on it plzzzz