i think it is totally unfair. i wrote 2, by sheer accident.
all year we have been told to write 2 and therefore have 2 points and 2 supp texts to back up those points addressed using the core text. noone can write a good essay with one supp text because it will be lopsided and unequally backed...
i was expecting a hectic ananlyis of a promotion program ( we did beyond blue and the butterfly foundation )
and i kind of forgot to look over my notes that related to the first question, and i think i missed out a couple of social factors that impact health...i thought HOYP was the hardest...
I do navigating the global...and the questions were unlike anything my teacher had shown us or given us before so at first glnce it was a bit confronting to me, but i managed to get my head around it and writing the essay was okay...depsite the fact i had been vomitting all night and morning and...
I thought the multi choice was surprisingly easy, and core 1 and 2 were good. but the options were tough questions!
in the question about health priorities and the new public health....were we supposed to do the action areas of the Ottawa charter, or the new public health...which is what...