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  1. jennyfromdabloc

    What's wrong with being an 18 year old virgin?

    a) What utter garbage. If anything, studying is a walk in the park compared to the responsibility of a full time work and family responsibilities. Surely if good sex is distracting as a student, it will also be distracting later in life too. Even if sex is amazing, you don't think about it to...
  2. jennyfromdabloc

    Do you pay board to live at home?

    All the people that claim to pay for their own bills, and think having to pay board is "slack"; do you pay for your own food and realize how much it costs?
  3. jennyfromdabloc

    The libertarian compromise

    A pre-2000 liberal government probably wouldn't have either. The point is both parties have succumb to post 9/11 national security hysteria.
  4. jennyfromdabloc

    The libertarian compromise

    It was absolutely disgusting. All throughout the Howard government's time in office I was critical of almost everything they did. Especially their anti-terror laws and sedition laws. Unfortunately Labor was almost silent on the Haneef case, and has actually supported the Howard government's...
  5. jennyfromdabloc

    The libertarian compromise

    Mate he never said the Liberals cared about civil liberties. He was admitting that neither party gives a fuck about civil liberties, but at least the libs have some interest in economic freedom. I would agree. On balance, I would say the liberals are very slightly better.
  6. jennyfromdabloc

    Is racism really that bad?

    Agreed. So why can't we treat racism as one of these practices and critise it in "calm, public manner without resorting to vitriol"? Way to ignore everything I said and just rant about something else. In particular you ignore my most important point that hysterical, angry reactions tend to be...
  7. jennyfromdabloc

    Is racism really that bad?

    WRONG SIR, WRONG! I don't think justice is only about property rights. I have other values beyond the libertarian non aggression axiom (I just have the decency not to want to force them on others) and as I already said, I oppose racism. Defending property rights is the only legitimate reason...
  8. jennyfromdabloc

    Girls: Can you usually tell if someone likes you?

    The only way to tell if someone "likes" you is to kiss them, and see if they kiss you back. People like to think they can read all the signs, but they are often misleading and people give off false signs. Often people mistake friendliness for flintiness, or people who are interested simply...
  9. jennyfromdabloc

    World State

    This is an excellent point which all the pro world government people have just ignored. Remember also that most of the world's population (around 95%) is religious, and that most of them are used to far more traditionalism and authoritarian government. Developed nations with the sort of modern...
  10. jennyfromdabloc

    Is racism really that bad?

    The same thing could be said of racism though. He never suggested eliminating religion would eliminated violence, but all else being equal, both racism and religion mean there is more violence. Good people will always do good things, and bad people will do bad things, but it takes religion...
  11. jennyfromdabloc

    World State

    We already have a world government. A hidden shadow government pulling the strings of Barack Jihad Hussein Obama. Enjoy the FEMA death camps you slave scum.
  12. jennyfromdabloc

    Age Difference

    Re: age? no matter Because at 17 people are not really sure if they are gay, its more taking advantage of them in this case than if they were hetro.
  13. jennyfromdabloc

    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    Why? There's nothing wrong with typing "child pornography" into google. It is done all the time by researches. Try it for yourself. All it does is yield research, news articles and sites of anti child pornography groups.
  14. jennyfromdabloc

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    He is the one who is full of contradictions. He talks about how great Western Society is because its free and the Muslims are unfree; well surely part of being free means being free to decide what religion and cultural practices to adopt, including the freedom to be Muslim. He is basically...
  15. jennyfromdabloc

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    A monocultural society is impossible. Even within anglo-saxon culture there are so many sub-cultures. They are often based on class and location. For instance the culture amongst Anglos living in the remote Northern Territory is extremely different to the culture of those in inner Sydney...
  16. jennyfromdabloc

    Is racism really that bad?

    The wars on drugs has killed millions. Ask the good people of Mexico or Colombia what they think of this war; innocent bystanders are being killed there every day. It is literally a war, with heavily armed drug cartel fighting each other and the police. Then there's the over 1 million...
  17. jennyfromdabloc

    Age Difference

    Re: age? no matter That would be awesome if the 17yo was a girl, but because you're gay it pretty much makes you a pedophile.
  18. jennyfromdabloc

    Grafitti tagger sentenced to EIGHT years in gaol

    We can't be sure, but do you have any idea what these cultural differences might be? If anything drug taking is more culturally accepted in Europe than the US, and there is less of the religious anti-drug taboo in Europe, so this would not explain higher rates of use in the US. A better case...
  19. jennyfromdabloc

    Grafitti tagger sentenced to EIGHT years in gaol

    Yeah it has worked really well with other crimes. Despite the ridiculously draconian sentences for drug offences in the USA compared to the mild (sometime non-existent) sentences in the EU, the USA has higher rates of drug abuse than most EU countries. Similar patterns can be observed in death...
  20. jennyfromdabloc

    If Slavery was Legal...

    It had to be done.