Search results

  1. A

    should i do chem?

    Chem - definately Physics - helpful especially in terms of scaling but if you can't stand it/ will go crap then don't Biology - do it if you like it and will go well 2U maths - scales well and will help a bit for physics and chem, you don't need to do 3U if that's what you're asking
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    Quality of a Band 3, 4, 5 or 6 student

    Thanks for all the replies guys! +1 all round methinks :)
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    Did you choose the High School you now attend or did your Parents force it on you?

    Re: Did you choose the High School you now attend or did your Parents force it on you I chose both high schools I went to but HUGELY regret the second choice... I shouldn't have moved...
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    Quality of a Band 3, 4, 5 or 6 student

    Hi, I've been doing past papers and comparing raw marks to aligned HSC marks to see which band I would get roughly. I know that for each year the cut off changes depending on the difficulty of the paper but my question is, is the quality of a certain band always the same ie. Bob gets 78/100 for...
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    STAT Results

    I think 150 lies around the 55-60 percentile which in my opinion is fairly low... I spose the only thing USYD use it for is to see who actually thought about it and planned it as compared to the people putting in their preferences and thinking "hey Vet Science... that might be cool..." Also if...
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    Raw Marks

    ^^ very true
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    Raw Marks

    Thanks! And I spose if you're doing good this year then it doesn't really matter. Congrats on having it granted btw.
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    How well do my subjects scale?

    You're welcome, but like I said, they are well scaled because they're hard to achieve great marks in! Don't just think "Ah, they scale well, now I can just sit back and chill" Or you will go crap. End of story. Good luck Thanks for the rep btw
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    Raw Marks

    Hang on, going by this you did IPT in year 7? shit... that's mega accelerated Bummer it won't be on your HSC or counted towards your ATAR, it's a pretty good mark...
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    Raw Marks

    So what was the procss you went through to get them? I'm assuming it wasn't a simple here fill out this form and we'll get back to you...
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    Whose excited for the exam?

    I'm not excited for the exam as such but I'm reasonably confident that I'll do fairly well. This year I've definately had a love-hate relationship with it, I love it as a subject and love learning about it but my class drove me nuts! They simply didn't get it, which is fine because there are...
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    Das stimmt! Sie sind leicht zu spielen aber leider ganz schwer, gut zu spielen. Ich meine dass, viele Australier sie weil nur kleine kinder schlect spielen hassen.
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    Seriously, what was the point of that? Can't someone ask a question without being neg'ed? Seems...

    Seriously, what was the point of that? Can't someone ask a question without being neg'ed? Seems I'm not the first though
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    Interstate scholarship application - HSC units?

    In NSW subjects have a unit weigting which is basically a measure of how much work is required for that subject in terms of class time. Most subjects are worth 2 units and most extension subjects are worth 1. I don't know how the QLD thingy works but maybe you have a similar system?If not I...
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    Can I get in?

    OK, not to be a doomsdayer but, assume you get a ATAR of 50... there's not much you can get into with that. So, there's a test you can do called STAT which is a test of general intelligence and NOT effort over a sustained period like the HSC... If you do alright in that (you don't need to do...
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    Physics HSC 2008 solutions

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    Physics HSC 2008 solutions

    Hey, I've got an old success one which doesn't have the solutions to the 2008 HSC, I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could get them or if it would be possible to post them on here? Thanks heaps :)
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    How well do my subjects scale?

    Are these subjects good for scaling... it's the equivalent of asking whether a 99.95 ATAR is any good... having said that, they scale well because you need to work hard in them to get the good marks ... I don't think modern scales amazingly but as long as you go fairly well it certainly won't...
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    yet another ATAR estimate. please.

    ok i put in how many people are in each of my classes etc... and theres 39 all up in my cohort
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    yet another ATAR estimate. please.

    Hey can you try mine then shadowdude? School rank was 580ish last year but 2007 was 186 so we fluctuate A LOT, from what my teachers have said my year is on par with the '07ers... maybe a touch better So my ranks are 2U maths 1/12 mark 85 3U maths 2/5 mark 75 2U English 3/23 mark 92 3U...