I really need some suggestions!
Our AOS is 'Self Change', and I'm finding it really difficult to find a song that relates to self change.
It can't just be any old song, it has to relate to Gwen Harwoods poem 'In the Park'.
The poem's about a woman with children, who bumps into an ex lover...
That's true.
And I think I would rather die than study law at university (no offense to anyone who is thinking of studying law:))
I'm thinking of maybe studying graphic design, not entirely sure though.
When you apply for a graphic design course they are more concerned about the quality of...
haha, yes, I have had a couple of ideas.
I'm thinking of making a textiles piece, maybe focusing on recycled products?
I'm so excited to get started though, and I doubt I will end up using this idea.
What about you, have you come up with any ideas?
Wow! Thanks!
Thank you so much everyone, this has made me feel so much better.
I'm really confident in all the subjects I've chosen, so I do hope I do well!
I just started my first day of year 11 today, and I am doing Visual Design, Design and Technology, Visual Art, Drama, Advanced English and Ancient History.
One of my friends told me that you get a lower atar if you're doing creative subjects, because apparently they're 'not as hard'.
I want to...