i have to make a model showing stages of meiosis
involving crossing over in one pair of chromosomes that results in haploid gametes
the model is based on a mosquito with a diploid number of 6
what does a diploid number of 6 mean ?
how can i show this in my model?
i have to present a 1min excerpt from acontemporary crime fictiondrama (tv or film)the excerpt is a basis for a 6min speech (with conventions,issues and values changing contexts a consideration of who plays the role of detective and what justice means)
any ideas?
does any1 else have to write a cosy story ? like agatha christie type thing
i seem to bring up a blank for an idea does any1 has starting points, ideas, past stories
help really appreciated
has any1 else seen maltese falcon and rear window yet?
their old b&w movies any perspective on either...