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  1. MJRey

    Physics HSC Predictions?

    Now you mention it, that's true. Well, I guess my teacher wasted our time in Yr 11 then... But yes, you're right about momentum and Newton's laws. That understanding is important for every Year 12 module. Momentum is particularly important for understanding the significance of the experiments...
  2. MJRey

    Maths Ext 2 (and Ext 1) 2022 trial papers

    Why won't they be adding new content? That really sucks. Maybe they'll add some on ACE HSC or something like that. Yes, the more practice the better!
  3. MJRey

    Where can we find the 2022 past papers?

    I guess it'll depend on the security period for each school and whether the schools are willing to provide people with their trials. They should put up more resources soon though... fingers crossed!
  4. MJRey

    if any1 cud share common pitfalls for hsc prep...

    Probably thinking that you have all the time in the world to study for the HSC, but then it creeps up on you and you can't take back the time that you've wasted.
  5. MJRey

    Whats everyone's routine the day before exams?

    The day before the exam, I go to bed early. Then I wake up and try to think positive so that negative thoughts don't affect my performance. A good breakfast is also helpful.
  6. MJRey

    Physics Past Papers

    There's one from James Ruse for 2018. You can find it on THSC. Hope that helps!
  7. MJRey

    Physics HSC Predictions?

    Hmmm... there might be some Year 11 stuff that NESA might think most people have forgotten. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't remember seeing any thermodynamics questions in the previous HSCs, so they could possibly throw that in.
  8. MJRey

    EE2 2022 thread

    Handed it in and feeling great!
  9. MJRey

    How were your trials if you have finished it?

    Trials were ok. English was pretty fair, although the Maths related subjects were insanely difficult for the most part.
  10. MJRey

    I need advice on whether to drop physics or software design and development.

    I think you should drop SDD. It sounds like you enjoy Physics a lot more, and the fact you have a positive learning environment for your Physics classes is also great. A learning environment like that can help you to succeed and stay motivated.
  11. MJRey

    Extension 2 english

    They should have an accelerated English program like they do for Maths. I think it would take so much pressure off people (but then again I suppose that depends on how good you are at English and whether you love it to bits).
  12. MJRey

    Has anyone every gotten a 100% in chemistry or physics trial (just curious)!!

    Anyone who gets 100% or close in Chemistry or Physics is an actual legend!! If that happens in the HSC, I bet they'll be soaring sky-high.
  13. MJRey

    Okay, so how do you study for EXT 1?

    This is a late response, I know, but rewriting creatives would be hard to do for Extension 1. The Literary Worlds module in particular is really vague, so if you preprepare something, it's highly likely you'll get a stimulus that's entirely different to your story idea. Having said that, you...
  14. MJRey

    is it worth it to do eng ext 1?

    Well I'm doing Ext 1 English for my HSC this year, and I'd say it's definitely worth it. I'm also doing Ext 1 Maths, so although there's a lot of time you have to put into both, I like both Maths and English so the workload doesn't feel that overbearing. If you aren't planning on Ext 2, I think...
  15. MJRey

    Am i overreacting about my marks?

    Yes, absolutely. Everyone would be feeling extra stressed since there's no denying it's a pretty stressful time of the year. Besides, trials can help you prepare for the HSC, the real deal by pointing out your weak points. Don't stress... you've got this! And good luck with the applications!
  16. MJRey

    Rank jump in Trials

    I think it would depend on the weighting of the task. If it's weighted the most, then it's possible.
  17. MJRey

    Ezra Pound's influence on TS Eliot?

    I'm pretty sure Ezra Pound and T.S Eliot were friends. Pound actually promoted Eliot's work and helped him to become famous.
  18. MJRey

    Past papers or devote time to content for Trials?

    Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of both. But yeah, at the end of the day it's all about what you're comfortable with.
  19. MJRey

    #2022 HSC Chat

    Hey everyone, I've been having a hard time trying to find current trial papers for Engineering Studies. So would you recommend doing the actual HSC papers themselves, or are there any papers on here that I don't know of yet?