so the last couple days ive been thinking about uni. we went to HSC study day for english in wagga the other day, and i think i kinda like the idea of uni.
if i were to go to uni, i would do something english related, cause thats where my strengths are, but the thing is i dont want to pursue...
so what band or which artist do you wanna see make a comeback?
not sure whether or not they have died out or if theyre doing another album or what theyre doing, but i definitely wanna see simple plan making a comeback.
thinking about moving to the city after school next year for work.
i have relatives in western sydney, but in order to gain employment beneficial to my career, working in the city would be best.
i dont really want to live with relies for a year or two, cause the commute would be dreadful...
hey everyone, what exactly are you guys planning on including in your reflection statement? just wondering what they could be expecting and/or what is necessary to be included.
so theres probably been a thousand threads about this already, who cares, im starting a new one. that penalty was so unjustified!!!!
cost us the bloody game.
lol how late is this anywasy by like four months or something.
hey what themes are you guys linking to your ORTs and AYLI?
i was thinking linking of belonging through environment and culture re: We Are Australian as well as not belonging as a result of family instability and marriage acting as an institute of belonging re: Godspeed: The Kurt Cobain...
hey hello does anyone have a good website where you can access like i dont know like a list of essay linkers? you know the ones you use to link like ideas or concepts in an english essay.
i had a sheet but i cant find it, so now im struggling with my essay for belonging.
or does anyone know of...