i definitely agree with the reasoning for uws and newcastle/une over the others and thats exactli how im thinking.
out of unsw and usyd
id say usyd simply cos its closer, u get one extra degree for only one more year of work and its a whole lot more fun (from wat ppl tell me)
MBBS provisional for school leavers @ UQ
Bachelor of Dental Surgery @ U Adelaide
accepted both until i formalise my usyd comb med offer
pretty stoked and reeli happy to never have to confront umat again
completey agree with u study freak (listen to him he aced umat)
i on the other hand found the training utterly useless (purely in hindsight)
at time i felt like i was acing the stuff, and at others i was like OMG im not gonna get anywhere
it does however make u familair with the questions...
mmm this is actually a really interesting topic. There was a guy at the USYD high achievers reception who actually got up and talked about how many different subjects and electives he had completed in his 5 or 6 degrees. When he actually listed them they amounted to about 25 - 30 with the...
Go for melbourne
I went to a vet for work experience who actualli completed his degree there and he couldnt stop telling me how awesome it was. If what he said is anything to go by you'll have an awesome time !!!!!!
Sup buddy. Guys this is a great opportunity to nail an excellent tutor. Get in quick cos i can assure you this will fill up quick.
Good Luck with it all mate
mm yeh if you can get 98.4 you should easily be able to knock of the required stat score
now all you have to do is get the required GPA Good Luck !!! :spin:
Umat... bad memories
i did medentry last year and I don't knoe how much it helped but i ended up with 83rd percentile.
I managed an interview from unsw cos of my predicted atar being 99.95 (or was it still uai back then?). but yeh study hard for umat guys put in alot of work
or just take...
if you can get enuff for the course you want to do, atar shouldnt reeli matter
whether you get 95 or 99.95, if its enuff then your all good to go:)
lol at the bragging rights thing
ppl often set themselves targets to achieve and work for, 99.95 is a great one to do so. To attempt to...
sup karan
lol of course i remember you, and once again congrats on absolutely smashing geo and i hear your maths wasnt that bad either
gl for hsc 2010 and if you need any help or advice dont be afraid to drop a message with me and ill try to get back to yah
This guy is one hell of ah legend
and add to that a freak (just chek his marks above)
if he doesnt make a good tutor then i dont knoe whats going to happen to the rest of us