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  1. M


    hi guys. recently been suspended, 4 days, aggressive behaviour, pinned a kid to the ground. now with great regret, i am concerned. will thsi reflect later in life (HSC) or will it affect my entrance into a selective school ( i wanna go Hurlstone next year, so you Hurlstone guys tell me about...
  2. M

    Nsw digital revolution {laptops for niners}

    So, year 9 kids are going to get laptops promised by Ruddy soon. i had the pleasure of fiddling around with my teachers one. Looks good... The thing had a crapload programs. Like really, probably 3000 dollars worth of softwares alone. The model of the laptop is a Lenovo S10e (e stands for...
  3. M

    please explain, my brothers and sisters!

    okay, i shall start this thread, because i believe it will help me AND others. Okay, I'm a yr 9 student (I'd say im mature enough to participate in this forum) of some school (edit post :P), belonging to a selective stream (our school is partially selective). I am curious about the calculation...