Business Statistics - 88 / HD
Economics for Business - 79 / D
First sem was
Accounting A - 83 / D
IBP - 75 / D
So 3 D's and a HD in my first year of (part time) study. Ironically I found stats the hardest by far out of the first year subjects, myself not being the most mathematical...
Being my first experience of summer school, I opted for just the one subject (taxation law). From what I understand the class sizes are smaller, so it’s a lecture/tute in one 3 hr sesh. Though I’m not really sure.
Suck it and see I guess
This subject is a joke. The fact they insist on procuring the text book is disappointing. It's certainly not required. I'm choosing not to try and sell mine.. don't want to rip some poor kid off.
Tutorials were largely made up of a bit of banter, adhoc current affair discussion, a little...